Adventures in bookcases

My new bookcases arrived today. The office was empty and lonely without my books.

An empty wall and a vacuum cleaner

But the office started looking much better after the new bookcases were put in. I think I’m going to have to buy one more set of shelves, but I won’t know until the books go back in. Which won’t be until the weekend. Tig, of course, had to investigate.

Tig checking out the new bookcases

And investigate.

Tig checking out the new bookcases

And investigate. You know. Curiosity. Cats. That sort of thing.

Tig checking out the new bookcases

If Gracie has set foot in the office since the bookcases arrived, I have yet to see it. I expect she’ll be fine by tomorrow, at least, until I start dragging boxes of books back into the office and putting them in the shelves. But she’s perfectly content in her spot by the railing.

Gracie by the railing

I’m so excited. These are the first really decent bookcases I’ve ever had. They’re also the first that weren’t hand-me-downs. And just think, I get to alphabetize my books for the first time ever! Woot! (Actually, not so woot. Pain. But it will be done.)

Caturday is either late or early this week. Late, I think, since I didn’t post any kitty pics last weekend.

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5 Responses to Adventures in bookcases

  1. Rahel says:

    Mazal tov on the bookcases, and please pet Gracie and Tig for me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Btw-I bought Sheldon-Tabby a Kong because I remembered that you bough one for Tig.
    Sheldy loves it.

  3. Veeshir says:

    I love getting new bookcases.

    I alphabetize my books and really enjoy it.

    Of course, a month or two later the books are all in the same big jumble they always are.

  4. Pamela says:

    Has Tig picked out the shelf that will be his yet?

  5. Kim says:

    Nice! And they obviously have the Tig seal of approval!

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