Tuesday Snarky World News Briefs (now, with politics!)

Yes, we’re going to start delineating world news from, say politics. But I haven’t much time for politics today. Oh, well. Maybe.

Respect my authori-tay! Um, Kartman, call your agent. I think Manuel Zelaya is stealing your act. Here’s my question: Besides saying “Reinstate me or else,” did he stomp his widdle feet and toss his widdle head? Or did he say he’d hold his breath ’til he turned blue?

But Zelaya said Monday that he was “giving the coup an ultimatum.”

Well. That oughta show ’em.

Redefining chutzpah: Charles Taylor’s defense in his war crimes trial? He was really only working for peace. Please, can he get the death penalty just for being such a giant assh*le?

It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy: Actually, it could have, but that’s the saying, so I’m running with it. The Dear Leader is rumored to have pancreatic cancer. I hope it’s true. And in this case, I hope his son catches it. Soon. If ever a country needed a regime change….

And now, to local news.

ObamaCare: We’ll ram it down your throats, just like we did with the Porkulus bill. The One has spoken. Congress shall ready ObamaCare, or—or—well, he didn’t say or what. (And good God, ABC, do you think you can make your URLs any longer at Tapper’s blog?)

“I just want to put everybody on notice, because there was a lot of chatter during the week that I was gone: We are going to get this done,” the president said. “Inaction is not an option. And for those naysayers and cynics who think that this is not going to happen, don’t bet against us.”

The house is offering two to one odds that ObamaCare does not get through the Senate, Stuart Smalley or no Stuart Smalley.

Fool me once, shame on me:
Jewish leaders met with Obama yesterday to be told, once again, that he’s the bestest friend Israel ever had. J Street had a rep there. The Zionist Organization of America did not. Go figure.

By the way, here’s the logic Obama used to prove that he’s also being hard on the Arabs:

The president said that in Arab media he’s depicted as being too pro-Israel.

Every time I’m shown on Al Jazeera they show me at the Western Wall with a yarmulke on, President Obama said.

Well. There you go then. Ignore that speech he made in Cairo, and the many times since the speech where he insisted that the real obstacles to peace are settlements, not Palestinian intransigence. Ignore the fact that Hamas and the PA are sitting back, waiting for Obama to do their dirty work for him. And how did that particular little bit go over with the Jewish leadership?

“And you look good in it, too,” one participant in the meeting joked.

Yeah. *cough*bullshit*cough*

That’s enough to keep you going for a while. I’m off to NorVA today.

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5 Responses to Tuesday Snarky World News Briefs (now, with politics!)

  1. Eric J says:

    Dear Leader does not have Pancreatic Cancer! It is simply that his adherence to Juche and the Army-First philosophy has inspired his Pancreas to produce well beyond it’s allotted quota of cells. It is an inspiration to workers across the world.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Fool me once, shame on me: Jewish leaders met with Obama yesterday to be told, once again, that he’s the bestest friend Israel ever had. J Street had a rep there. The Zionist Organization of America did not.

    He only invited those who had agreed in advance to back him all the way in appeasing the Arabs. How about a spoof explaining that J Street is beeing funded by Saudi Arabia as well as George Soros. They have been promised that once the State of Israel has been wiped out, they will be put in charge of all the Jewish survivors throughout the world. They have also been promised that they will be allowed to live in the United States and be in charge of the memorial museums.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    The Arab media will accuse anyone of being too favorable to Israel unless he comes out with an explicit call for the desctruction of Israel and genocide of its Jewish population. If Obama did that the Arabs would say “At last, American evenhandedness.”

  4. David C. says:

    Give him time. It takes more than six months to solidify your power base enough to become a genocidal dictator.

  5. Veeshir says:

    I usually agree with you on most things not cat related, but here’s another one.

    I hope Charles Taylor walks. No, I hope they spend the next 10 years prosecuting him and he
    gets off because of some stupid, EUnik rule.

    Why? Because the ICC is a load of rich, creamery, leftist, one-world, butter and the more
    they look like the useless sacks of garbage they are, the sooner I can stop having to pretend that
    they are anything more than bunch of weak, powerless EUniks posturing for the media.

    Sorta like Milosevic’ trial except I don’t want the EUniks saved by his dying.

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