A Blog Carnival With a Movie Review

Every week the Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere produces a blog carnival that highlights the Best of The Jewish/Israeli Blogosphere. It is one of the oldest and longest running blog carnivals around.

Here we are at issue number 225. You can find a list of past and future hosts here.

And now for your movie review. Last night we saw Taken,  an action movie starring Liam Neeson. I don’t want to spoil the movie by giving too much away so we’ll keep this brief.

The film was good. Not unlike other action movies it had a few spots that made you say “huh,” but if you suspend disbelief you’ll enjoy it more. That is a move that will serve you well in many movies. Don’t try to determine what is really possible or impossible.

For future reference, you especially do not want to do it while watching a movie with me. Don’t tell me that no one can do this or that or survive those things. Jack Bauer proves you wrong each week. Besides if you do tell me I will be forced to show you why people say that gorillas think my hands are big.

But I digress. The film does a good job of setting the scene and a mood.The action starts early and doesn’t stop until it reaches the climax of the film, which in my book is always a good thing.

On a side note, if you have a daughter this film will do a good job of making you consider hiring a security force to protect her. Or you can do what I did with the dark haired beauty and tell her that it is normal for daddy to beat up the boys who want to play with her.

That technique worked for a while, except at the ripe old age of five she is already questioning me. But enough of this, go read Haveil Havalim and go rent Taken. You’ll thank me later.

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2 Responses to A Blog Carnival With a Movie Review

  1. Elisson says:

    I love your movie reviews. I’m curious as to your take on Watchmen, which I liked a whole lot.

  2. Jack says:

    Haven’t seen Watchmen yet. I have to see if it is on Netflix yet.

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