Friday catblogging

As promised, more kitty pics.

First, Miss Gracie, in one of her rare goofball moments.

Gracie yawning

I actually missed her during one of her funniest, yet strangest habits. She loves chlorine-based cleansers. And I mean loves. They affect her like catnip. If I used a bleach-based cleanser, which I did this morning to clean the garbage can (and then to kill some ants in my kitchen, thus putting the scent on the kitchen floor), she will stop, sniff the place, and then make mad, passionate love to it. She will rub and rub and rub her face on the area, and then roll around in bliss. I really do have one of the strangest cats in existence.

Next: Where’s Tig?

I needed to find Tig before leaving the house the other day. This is a new spot. All of a sudden, he’s sleeping with Gracie under my bed. That’s her regular spot to the left, and he’s decided to take over the right-hand side.

Tig under the bed

Two days ago, I found him in his usual position—his bottom half underneath something. Alas, I didn’t get the camera in time, but I’m sure I’ll have another chance at getting Tig’s butt hanging out from under the bed. Or the bureau. Or the shower curtain. Really, he’s not very good at hiding, but he sure must think he is.

Tig under the shower curtain

He also has a tendency to use very hard items for pillows. I’ll have those at a future date.

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One Response to Friday catblogging

  1. Pamela says:

    Gracie looks like she’s reacting to a joke. If cats could laugh, that would be the look.

    Tig and my little Orange guy have something in common…hiding places

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