Omer and omer

Dion Nissenbuam (Twice in one day? Yes.) highlights a friend’s efforts to expose an Israeli conspiracy.

Ashraf, a friend who was one of the many talented reporters to be laid off as a result of the economic implosion of the newspaper industry, has written a journalistic exploration of the challenges facing reporters covering the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Calling it a “sobering glimpse” of Jerusalem journalism, Ashraf focuses on his frustrating attempts to report on an incident last year at the Israel-Jordan border where Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer said he was assaulted by Israeli security.Ashraf

“In the end,” Ashraf writes, “the truth of what happened to Mohammed Omer was sacrificed on the altar of the false deity known as ‘balance.'”

As Ashraf notes, it was impossible to divine “the truth” of the incident because there were competing versions and few independent views.

You see, last year Mohammed Omer was detained by Israeli security forces as he entered from Jordan. Omer claimed that he was mistreated by security personnel. An Israeli review of the incident found no wrongdoing.

Calling Omer a journalist is a stretch. He writes for the viciously anti-Israel Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. In other words there’s no calumny against Israel that’s too outrageous for him to write about. If there’s a reason there hasn’t been a further investigation, it hasn’t been in worship of “balance,” it’s been in large part because the person making the charges has no credibility.

IMRA, covered the results of the investigation, I won’t quote them all, but I found this particularly damning.

As to the Complainant’s allegation that he was compelled to stand on his feet for twelve hours, we point out that according to our records, the Complainant arrived at the Allenby Crossing at approximately 11:00, and the entire incident ended at approximately 14:00. Thus, this claim is also baseless.

Elder of Ziyon has a lot more about Omer and the incident.

As far as Nissenbaum and “balance” is concerned, just remember that his idea of balance is producing a flattering portrayal of an “unrepentant child killer.” We knew that Nissenbaum had a soft place in his hearts for terrorists, now we know that simple liars have his sympathy too.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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