Saturday picture shows

We’re waiting for Bob to get home from the movies before we go to lunch, and for the clouds to go away before we go swimming. But I have time for blogging, and I simply had to share a few pictures. First, the House Of Meat (or, as it should be called, House O’ Meat). We stopped there because they said “kosher” on the marquee. It was not. It was halal only, pretty much, and very Arabic.


Alas, the cable cable (which you have to describe as the cable cable) is interfering with the proper display of the House O’ Meat sign.

Next, we have more kitty pictures. Here’s another shot of Tig in my computer chair.


And of course, another shot of Miss Gracie, who also likes the chair. I often find her next to it in the morning.


She’s actually fairly close to it in this picture. She’s sleeping below the window pictured above.

There. We have more kitty pictures, and the House O’ Meat, in Hamilton, NJ. I have done my job for the day.

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4 Responses to Saturday picture shows

  1. Mog says:

    And done it very well. Love the kitty pictures. Does Gracie ever lay in the chair? Tig looks quite at home in it.

  2. Elisson says:

    House of Meat? House of Meat?

    I own the trademark. Seriously.

  3. Nope, she’s not big on chairs. She hops onto the overstuffed leather chair in the living room when I’m watching TV, but only for a minute. The most she’ll do is sleep in the bed. Sometimes. If I’m not in it. Gracie doesn’t like surprises.

  4. Rahel says:

    I like the picture of the House of Meat, and I like the photos of the fuzzy carnivores even better.

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