Wily Jews outsmart Missouri neo-Nazis

A perfect response to a neo-Nazi group sponsoring a highway in order to get their group publicity:

Lawmakers renamed a section of highway in Springfield that a neo-Nazi group adopted to keep litter-free after a Jewish civil rights leader.

Rep. Sara Lampe, D-Springfield, got an amendment added to a transportation bill to rename a portion of West Bypass from Farm Road 142 to West Sunshine the “Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Memorial Highway.” Heschel marched with Martin Luther King Jr. at the Selma, Ala., Civil Rights march in 1965.

Lampe said she asked Jewish groups to nominate a religious figure to counter the Springfield unit of the National Socialist Movement, which adopted the section of road.

“It’s a counter to hate,” Lampe said.

Click on the link to see a picture of Rep. Lampe smiling, no doubt grinning about the reaction the Nazis will have to sponsoring a highway named not just for a Jew, but for a Jew who marched in support of civil rights.

For this act, I hereby nominate Rep. Lampe as an honorary Master of Juvenile Scorn™.

H/T: Eric J.

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One Response to Wily Jews outsmart Missouri neo-Nazis

  1. Pamela says:

    Good job Rep. Lampe

    I’d like to see the members of NSM get their alleles done.
    Might be shocked to see who’s lurking in the bloodlines.

    Somewhere in our cell memory, we are all jewish, black or chinese.

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