Argentina’s pogroms

Argentinian Jews celebrating Israel were attacked and beaten by anti-Semitic creeps holding anti-Semitic signs. Not anti-Israel—anti-Semitic.

Police in Buenos Aires, Argentina arrested at least five people after anti-Semitic demonstrators clashed Sunday with Jews marking the 61st anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, police said.

During the Jewish group’s ceremony, demonstrators waving anti-Semitic signs stepped in and violence broke out, and five people were arrested after the scuffle, authorities said.

An anti-discrimination police unit had to escort Israeli Ambassador Daniel Gazit away from the fracas.

According to the organizers, a number of Jews were beaten and required medical attention.

The JTA has more:

“In the middle of the cultural festival, the group attacked with complete impunity. Five police officers who were standing in a corner took a long time before acting. Two people from the public were hurt as well as a policeman. Many of the aggressors ran away but five of them were caught by the policemen and others from the public who chased them,” Aldo Donzis, the DAIA Jewish local political umbrella institution president, told JTA.

Buenos Aires is the site of Hezbollah’s Iranian-directed attack on the Jewish community center.

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2 Responses to Argentina’s pogroms

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    I hate to be a critic, Meryl, but Chavez is El Presidente of Venezuela, and the attack took place in Argentina. Argentina is at the other end of South America from Venezuela. Hugo has done enough at home to qualify for the coveted title of “Scummy Antisemite” so that we need not blame him for events outside his area of misrule.

    The police apparently took their time about intervening but eventually did so. The crowd fought back against the scummy antisemites, which I take to be a good indicator.

  2. Oops. Fixing post.

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