The “cycle of violence” returns

Hamas tested Israel’s new PM. Terrorists launched a kassam rocket at Israel yesterday.

Today, Israel launched a bigger rocket at Hamas. At least, that’s how the wire services will play this one out. But is that what happened?

A day after the first Qassam rocket attack in weeks, the IDF launched an airstrike in the Gaza Strip.

The attack was carried out in the early evening hours on Thursday, just as Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi was meeting with George Mitchell, the United States’ special envoy to the Middle East.

Palestinians reported a house had exploded in central Gaza. The army confirmed the report, saying that the Air Force had targeted a structure rigged with explosives near the border fence.

Pilots confirmed a direct hit. The attack took place after intelligence information indicated that terrorists were using the structure, located near the Kissufim border crossing, as a base from which to carry out attacks.

Here’s the AP spin on it at the end of their latest piece on Israel:

In violence Thursday, Israeli aircraft hit a building in northern Gaza. The military said it was booby-trapped with explosives. Palestinians said no one was hurt.

Nowhere in the article is there a hint of the kassam attack, though it was the first one in weeks.

Par for the course.

On the other hand, there’s a new sheriff in town. This could be a signal of a much stronger response to terror attacks—which include rocketing Israel’s civilian population.

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