Operation Cast Lead now Operation Melting Away

There was an acrimonious cabinet meeting earlier today in Israel, with Ehud Olmert and his Ehud Barak having words. But these are the most discouraging words of the meeting:

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter told the cabinet that Israel’s achievements in the Gaza offensive “have been melting away in the past month.”

The former Shin Bet chief added that advanced weapons were being smuggled into the Strip on a daily basis, while rockets continue to be fired at Israel.

“There is an average of five rockets and mortar shells a day. The smuggling of weapons from Egypt to Gaza continues, and not only are they bringing in weapons like they did in the past, but they are also bringing in advanced arms like antiaircraft missiles.

As for the claims that Egypt has toughened up its policy of turning a blind eye to weapons being smuggled into Gaza:

Addressing Egypt’s involvement in the attempts to stop the smuggling, Dichter said, “The allegation that Egypt has toughened its stance in regards to the smuggling is not implemented on the ground. Israel must examine the result, and when we examine Hamas’ preparedness for a new round of fighting, the result is problematic.

In the meantime, the British want to start talking to Hizbullah, further legitimizing the terrorist organization that has tens of thousands of rockets aimed at Israel and rebuilt its terror infrastructure in southern Lebanon under the eyes of UNIFIL. Hizbullah is over the moon about this.

“We are witnessing a new language speaking positively of Hizbullah and the fostering of ties with it. We accept this new language and commend it,” Kassem said Saturday, one day after Hizbullah officials said they will welcome public talks with Britain.

Britain’s Foreign Office announced Thursday that it has contacted Hizbullah’s political wing in an attempt to reach out to its legislators. It said its ultimate aim is to encourage the group to abandon violence and play a constructive political role in the deeply divided country.

And Britain also wants to talk to Hamas, as do many in the EU and Europe.

Meantime, rockets keep falling on Israel.

Four Qassam rockets exploded in southern Israel on Sunday morning. Two of the rockets hit open areas within the Sdot Negev Regional Council, and the other two landed in the Eshkol Regional Council. There were no reports of injuries or damage.

And what does the US think is responsible for the lack of peace? What is the Obama Administration complaining about?


Israel is under increased pressure from the United States over settlement construction. In the past month, since Barack Obama was sworn in as U.S. president, Israel has received four official complaints from members of the new administration regarding various issues linked to West Bank settlements.

Because clearly, settlements are the reason that Hamas and Hizbollah are threatening Israel with Iranian paid and produced weapons. Pay no attention to the near-daily rain of kassams and mortars from Gaza.

Operation Cast Lead seems not to have achieved a damned thing.

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