The reports of my demise…

Sorry, folks. I had site issues that caused Bluehost to suspend my account. Something was making me a CPU hog, and apparently, the punishment for that is very severe. Plus, I was at Job in Northern Virginia, so my time to fix things was limited. Which is why I got Jay to update the software for me.

And when I got home from work, the last thing I wanted to do was work on the site. Especially since the premiere of Lost was tonight.

(Wow, they did it again. Bad guys, good guys, who can tell?)

Well, we’re back now. And you’ll have more substantive posts tomorrow. In the meantime, we can all discuss Lost in the comments to this post.

Sawyer. Dude. Lose the extra weight. Or bring back Jin, ’cause you’re just not doing it for me anymore.

(I’m so lying. I’ll take him, flabby belly and all.)

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