NZ Muslim pub owners: No dogs or Israelis allowed

In what has to be the height of irony, an immigrant New Zealand pub owner has forbidden Israelis to patronize his pub until the Gaza operation is over. And he’s not the only one.

An Israeli citizen residing in Kaikoura, New Zealand has informed Ynet Friday that a local pub, the Strawberry Tree, placed a sign outside its door reading, “Israelis not welcome before shelling (in Gaza) stops”.

Two other Israeli tourists encountered a similar restriction at a café located in another part of the country.

The obvious irony of a non-Maori New Zealander decrying the Israeli “occupation” seems to have escaped our Kiwi. There is not a single non-Maori in New Zealand who is not an immigrant or the child of immigrants that stole the island nation from the indigenous people. And there is no other word to use than “stole.” Interestingly, there are no calls to remove the occupation of New Zealand (or Australia) and give the land back to the natives.

The good news is that it’s only a few bigots exhibiting this behavior.

He said the local community has unequivocally condemned the pub owner’s act. “People are calling us (Israelis) to offer their support; they are even saying that the restriction is redolent of the days in which black Americans were banned from public places and even of Nazi Germany.

“The community is made up of many immigrants, and that is why it identifies with us,” he said.

Let’s take a guess at what religion those bigots might be.

The Southland Times reported Friday that two Israeli women, Natalie Bennie and her sister Tamara Shefa, were ordered to leave the Mevlana Café in Invercargill, New Zealand’s southernmost city.

According to the report, the pub’s owner Mustafa Tekinkaya, a Turkish Muslim, told the women he would not serve anyone from Israel “until it stopped killing innocent babies and women in Gaza.”

Perhaps New Zealanders might be interested in boycotting Mustafa’s pub until Muslims stop killing innocent women and children all over the world. And, hey—what’s a proper Muslim doing owning an establishment that serves alcohol?

Bigots and hypocrites. Gotta love ’em.

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