No cease fire yet

The IDF has a lot more work to do, but there doesn’t seem to be a willingness from Hamas to agree to a cease fire yet.

Muhammad Nazal, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, told al-Jazeera, “We have not accepted the Egyptian ceasefire initiative, but we have not rejected it either. We presented our reservations about the proposal and if they are not taken into account – we cannot accept it.”

Nazal said that in his opinion “the talk of progress only exists in the media,” and stressed that “Hamas is unwilling to agree on a permanent ceasefire because the significance of this would be to halt the resistance.”

Good. Because the job isn’t finished.

IDF officers testified to the destruction in Gaza. Staff-Sergeant Oron Pinto said Hamas operatives “are running away, afraid to fight us face to face or have any contact with us.”

Sergeant Avi Aschal said the damage “may be excessive”, but that Hamas could only blame itself. “They booby trapped all of the houses and the yards and even their own explosive devices. For me it’s a simple dilemma: Either my soldiers or their buildings, and you can see for yourselves what the answer is.”

However, according to assessments Hamas is still far from the obliteration many had hoped for. GOC Southern Command Yoav Galant heard from various brigade commanders leading the offensive, who told him their troops were motivated and willing to continue the operation.

This is one case where Hamas’ intransigence is actually working for Israel.

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3 Responses to No cease fire yet

  1. Eric J says:

    I’m curious why Hamas doesn’t agree to a cease-fire immediately. They won’t be held to it anyway.

  2. Because Iran told them not to, for one.

    Because they refuse to admit defeat, for two.

    And because, ultimately, they’re stupid. All they have to do is lie a little and pretend they want peace with Israel, and the world will fall into their hands. But religious fanatics can’t betray their cause, and so, Israel gets to keep on saying, “Look, rejectionist Islamists!” and some of the world has to admit they’re right.

  3. Veeshir says:

    and some of the world has to admit they’re right.

    Ahh, therein lies the rub. Many have to know that Israel is right, but they refuse to admit it publically.

    There’s a show called Mosaic on LinkTV (the Hate Amerikkka channel) that shows clips from news shows in the middle east that I watch.

    It’s been very funny lately as the various, murderous totalitarians are OUTRAGED by what Israel is doing.
    Watching some spokestool for a murderous regime speaking the language of lefties always makes me laugh, “dialogue”, and “peace-process” being the funniest. (in a “Funniest End of Civilization Ever” sort of way)

    It also makes me wonder if the lefties who excuse the worst of jihadi excesses (like Queers for Palestine) are ever embarassed that their words and idiotic concepts are used by the enemies of civilization.

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