Email policy

It occurs to me that I never brought my email policy out of the archives. Here it is, updated:

Email quoting policy: I like to quote interesting and relevant email from time to time. I will occasionally quote a line or three, or paraphrase an email without attribution, as in “A reader writes…” or identify the reader by first name/last initial.

If I want to quote your letter extensively, I will generally ask for your permission. The exception: If you’re going to send insulting and obnoxious email, I reserve the right to quote you without permission, as well as post your email address. Your privacy dies when you send me an unsolicited nastygram. If you don’t like these terms, feel free to not send me email.

If you absolutely, positively never want me to quote you, and you’re not sending abusive email, just mention “not for publication” or “Do not quote” somewhere in the message. This cannot be done retroactively.

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2 Responses to Email policy

  1. long_rifle says:

    First off: It’s good to be back.

    Second off, post em! I love reading the rambling rants of those types of idiots. It’s like a train wreck, you don’t WANT to read them, but you can stop yourself…

  2. Rahel says:

    OK, so how many requests for cat pictures per week does that mean I can get away with?

    Seriously: give ’em hell.

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