Yet another anti-Semitic anti-Zionist protest sign

The AP didn’t scrub their video completely. They forgot to exclude this sign in their video story of the Washington, DC pro-Hamas pro-Palestinian rally:

Anti-Semitic protest sign

Just remember, folks. It’s not anti-Semitism. It’s simply anti-Zionism.


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One Response to Yet another anti-Semitic anti-Zionist protest sign

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    An alliance between reactionary Commies and reactionary Jihadists, a match made in Hell. And the Nazis also support this. It’s a trifecta of totalitarian ecumenism.

    Blair’s Law (my own formulation of his discovery): all the idiotic, loser ideologies of the past are coalescing into a grand mass of stupidity and evil.

    People should not be complacent because they think that a bunch of crackpots in the Hindu Kush can’t bring us down, or a bunch of jihadist kamikazes can’t bring Israel down because they don’t have rockets that they can aim more accurately than to hit a city block. If we don’t fight and destroy them they will grow in power and influence. No one should be complacent that our civilization cannot be destroyed by jihadist scum. If we are too weak and hen-hearted to fight the enemy, we will lose.

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