New comments policy

I’m tired of wading through the flood of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism thinly disguised as anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism.

I have just restored registration to this blog.

You must be a registered user to post a comment.

That means that many of you who have been commenting here for years will not be able to comment now. Please register if you haven’t already done so, and if you have registered and forgotten your password, there should be a link to click that will allow you to reset it.

I will be checking IP addresses against those that are in your published comments, to prevent hijacking of usernames.

Oops: I forgot to check the box that allows anyone to register. Try again.

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8 Responses to New comments policy

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    When I logged in, the site sent me to my profile and showed a message that you should update your site to WordPress 2.7 from the current 2.5

  2. Elisson says:

    Too bad you have to resort to this…but I understand the need. Sure are a lot of jackasses out there…

    …big surprise…

  3. jen says:

    Well, I guess this just means you’re very popular. :)

  4. Sabba Hillel, I know. I’ve been ignoring it for a while. I’ll take care of it this weekend.

  5. Jen, Elisson, you have no idea. Some asshole sent me an email when he couldn’t comment, and used his work address. Big mistake. He’s been googled and advised that he needs to be more civil or his place of employment will hear about his abuse of work email.

    And you’d think that would be an exception. You’d be wrong.

    They truly are that stupid.

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    You’ll make such trolls believe even more strongly in the International Jewish Conspiracy to Control the World (TM) Meryl. Getting them punished for a little innocent antisemitsm and vicious email language. Sheesh.

  7. Bob says:

    Good for you, Meryl. There’s no better game than “Whac-A-Troll”.

  8. Pamela says:

    He sent a nasty gram from his work email addy? What an idget!

    My IT dept tracks all mail and net access.

    Trolls beware. You make wonderful fodder for wolves and hyenas. So tasty.

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