We get hatemail

We’ve gotten a couple of really charming comments lately.

Some brave, brave mujahid from Australia left this for me this morning:

all what i wanna say is that you fucking bitch ..you all will pay for it

Uh-huh. Nice to see that Australian jihadis still have that respect for “covered meat” that their religious leaders have. By the way, that’s the nicest sexist comment that’s been left. The rest, of course, use the c-word.

Most of the comments are just clueless moonbats spreading clueless moonbat talking points like this:

More innocent Palestinians have been killed in the last 7 days by Israel than all innocent Israelis killed by Hamas in the last 7 years! For every Israeli killed, there have been more than 100 Palestinians killed. Can a home made Qassam rocket (which a former Israeli Defence Minister said is more a psychological weapon than an effective one) compare to the Israeli tanks, F16s, Apache helicopters, drones…. How can the Isrealis do this to a people when they have underwent horrors of the holocaust is beyond me. Who is the worse terrorist? The one who kills more civilians, and by simple math it is Israel. The whole world, except for 2 countries, Israel and the US, has condemned the genocide. I guess the whole world is wrong. I always used to wonder how a whole nation could follow a psychopath like Hitler in killing Jews while the rest of the world stood silent! We now stand silent as the massacre continues. Gone are the days when I used to view Israel as a shining morale beacon of the Middle East!

Yes, Jeff (he left a real name), the whole world is wrong. But you’re a particularly dumb example of the wrong side who managed to hit just about every fallacy in one comment. Thanks!

Here’s a Canadian that makes a seemingly logical argument that stays evenhanded—until he hits the usual “blame it all on Israel” conclusion.

It’s unfortunate that with 2000+ years of unrest in the Middle East, there is no light at the end of this tunnel… except for an oncoming locomotive. Whatever excuse or decisions each side makes to escalate to full war, nothing changes or gets better. There must be a stronger “will” by the global community to take a stand against Israel and Palestine. They should be forced by the international community and hold each nation responsible for their hostilities. Both Israel and Palestine need their supporting nations to keep them inline. In regards to Israel defending itself, just an excuse…

I’m sorry, there were 2000+ years of unrest? Really? The Palestinians 2000 years ago were called “Jews,” genius. The enemy were the Romans. Palestinians are a nomenclature that was invented in the 1960s to give terrorist groups a pretend claim to Israel.

Here’s another one from Canada that’s just breathtaking in its anti-semitism.

But is it anti-semetic to wonder if the banking in Gaza City was or is meant to be seized?; is it attacked and entirely expected to be refused for Jewish interests: indeed that it has secretly been agreed to that gaza become part of Israel officially. Erabat, is not reassuring to my opinion or desires enough.

Right. Israel did it for the money in Gaza. The 3,000 rockets fired into southern Israel were just a cover. (Is that the Twilight Zone theme I hear?)

This one just puzzles me. It’s another Canadian who acts like she knows me, but I don’t recognize the name. Or get the logic.

I see Meryl is still up and at it, betraying Jewish ethics in favour of Jewish tribalism.

A great big “WTF?” to Anne.

Here’s one that makes you laugh at the unintended punchline. This guy’s from Philly.

why are Isralies in the midddle east
when what 99.0% are from Europe or the former USSR. I live in America and they would all be deported . I say import Mexicans and stop Fighting GOD DOES NOT LIKE UGLY LEARN FROM YOUR PAST AND BE GOOD CHRISTIANS SHOW CHARITY …

That’s right. Learn to be good Christians, Israeli Jews. (Cognitive dissonance and stupidity. Not a good combination.) God does not like ugly? But I thought God loves us all.

Zelda (from Virginia) is actually one of my favorites. I generally don’t approve comments like this because I have a problem with insanely stupid commenters. They annoy me. But this needs to be shared.

Is this war over a relgious piece of territory they both claim?
How Godly if that is fact.
The madness and egoistic reasoning behing all this bloodshed is beyond all human rights of existance.
The world is small.
We are killing the planet.
We are insane.

That’s enough for now. The truly vile comments will stay completely unpublished, as those hit the trash bin and stay there. Unless I decide to send them to the abuse departments at their companies of origin.

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13 Responses to We get hatemail

  1. Russ says:

    My mother has a (roughly) weekly liberal radio talk show in Philly, in which she addresses various political issues. Last night she addressed the Gaza war – 100% of her callers were supportive of Israel, blaming the conflict on Hamas.

  2. Robert says:

    When the ignorant have nothing to say, they spew hate. It’s easier than thinking… Keep it up, Meryl! It just shows you’re being “effective.”

  3. Gee, I thought I’d just crumple up and die from the insults. ;-)

    You know, I’d love to meet one of the cowardly fucks who leaves the really insulting email face to face. Then we’d see which of us blinks first.

    Believe me when I tell you it won’t be me.

    I once out-swore a truck driver. Reduced him to saying, “Your mother.” I do believe that means I won.

  4. Rahel says:

    Sounds like that Australian commenter has been taking direction from a particularly Islamic-fundamentalist site from over there that I found recently… one that advocates home-schooling in order to protect children from non-Islamic influences, having women stay inside their homes unless they really must go out, and so on and so forth. Needs to air out his/her brain, if that’s still possible.

  5. Rahel says:

    Oh, yeah… forgot to say that the site has a special section for all the old, familiar canards about Israel.

  6. Say, the cowardly fuck is reading this post.

    I bet he can feel his dick shrinking every time I write another comment about him.

    Wotta man! WooT!

  7. Oh, yeah. His vocabulary seems to be limited to two words.

    Heard ’em both, schmuck. Lots of times. Ow. They hurt. I’m telling my mommy.

  8. jen says:

    You know, even though I hate to see you take this verbal abuse, I end up learning so much about this conflict and how to respond to the ignorant when you make these posts.

    And besides, I see quite clearly that you can hold your own. :)

  9. Pamela says:


    As a writer,you need to be more descriptive regarding the benzonas.

    Fornicating constricting orifice comes to mind as an appropriate expletive.

    As to the person with his diminished body part. I believe there are surgeons who specialize it fixing that problem.

  10. Pamela, if I were talking with Dick Cavett, I would consider your suggestions.

    As I am simply talking to a dick, well, ’nuff said.

    You never fought much growing up, did you?

    I did.

  11. Pamela says:

    Actually, I use to pound on the boys in the neighborhood. My mother stood me in the corner for unlady like behavior.

    Dad and subsequent Green Beret and Law Enforcement gentlemen friends taught me to shoot, so fighting was out.

    One of these days the unenlightened will see the error of their ways.
    Until then, they’re dicks.

  12. Michael Lonie says:

    It’s interesting that all these creeps seem to be functionally illiterate. They can’t spell. Most of them don’t even seem able to form a coherent sentence, let alone a coherent thought. And why the bleep can’t they spell antisemitic correctly? You’d think that would be the one word, at least, that they could get right.

    Moonbat from Philly’s comment puts me in mind of a comment by the American longshorman-philosopher Eric Hoffer. Hoffer once said that the only country in the world that was expected to behave in a Christian manner was Israel. I might also note that Moonbat’s assertion that 99.0 percent of Israel’s Jews are from Europe and Russia is an ignorant lie, since it is a fact that 60 percent of them came from, or are the descendents of people who came from, Middle Eastern Muslim countries, mostly Arab, as refugees. The enemies of Israel and the Jews always have to fall back on lies to justify their hatred.

  13. Gary Rosen says:

    “It’s interesting that all these creeps seem to be functionally illiterate …”

    Antisemitism isn’t about Jews, it’s about antisemites. They are nitwits, misfucks and born losers who don’t have the honesty or guts to own up to their own shortcomings and failures, so they blame everything on the Joooos.

    The entire Middle East conflict is a case in point. Have you ever heard of an Arab government taking responsibility for anything? It’s always someone else’s fault that their countries are so backward and repressive despite the trillions of dollars they have taken in oil money.

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