Chazak v’amatz

Found this from the Lebanon war. It works just as well today.

Be strong and be brave



Be strong and be brave.


With great big thanks to Sarah.

May G-d protect the IDF troops. and kol Yisrael. (Better, Jameel?)

(And Palestinian children. They didn’t vote in Hamas.)

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3 Responses to Chazak v’amatz

  1. May G-d protect the IDF troops. (And Palestinian civilians.)

    How about Israeli Civilians?

    We’re getting rocketed around the clock from Gaza! (the reason this war began in the first place…)

  2. Fixed. But I think I may change it to “Palestinian children.” They didn’t vote in Hamas.

  3. Bonnie from New Jersey says:

    Finally some intelligent posting about this horrid Gaza situation. I spent several hours admonishing my television this morning and feeling that CNN was terribly biased (where is Wolf Blitzer through all of this?)
    May G-d protect Israel and those in surrounding areas that are innocent. Someone needs to stop Hamas…..and Iran. It might as well be the IDF.

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