The problem with the world viewpoint on Israel

Here is the problem with the world’s viewpoint on Israel in a nutshell. What part of this definition don’t the media organizations understand?

  1. a military order to cease firing
  2. a suspension of active hostilities

Apparently, all of it.

Hamas says open to new truce in Gaza
Palestinian armed groups in Gaza observed a 24-hour halt to rocket fire against Israel at the request of Egyptian mediators, a senior official of the ruling Islamist Hamas group said on Monday.

Ayman Taha told Reuters: “Hamas and other factions agreed in order to give a chance to the Egyptian mediation and to show that the problem was always on the Israeli side.”

That’s the lead. Here’s the seventh paragraph:

Israel and Egypt were skeptical about the Hamas declaration of a hold-fire, though it seemed to be observed, with only two rockets and a mortar reported to have been fired on Monday from Gaza, and a rocket and four mortars shot on Sunday night.

It wasn’t observed. It was violated. There was no hold-fire if three rockets and five mortars were fired from Gaza into Israel during the “halt”. It’s not a halt. It’s a slowdown. WTF is wrong with the effing people? Are they so blind and stupid that they simply refuse to allow Israel to have a single shred of just cause to go into Gaza to stop the rocketeers?

What part of cease-fire do these morons not understand?

Please read the entire two paragraphs as if they were in all caps, because that’s how I wrote them in my head. With many exclamation points.

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2 Responses to The problem with the world viewpoint on Israel

  1. Veeshir says:

    But you see, the Palestinians have it so hard and someone, someone!!!, has to be at fault.
    Since people are not responsible for their own actions anymore, it’s the Jews’ dam fault.

    Geez, don’t you have access to an AP or NY Times stylebook?

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    “Are they so blind and stupid that they simply refuse to allow Israel to have a single shred of just cause to go into Gaza to stop the rocketeers?”


    Hamas says it is observing a truce, therefore the AP and the other media morons believe that there is a truce. The fact that rockets and mortar shells are falling on Israel is irrelevant. Who are you going to believe, Hamas or your lying eyes? The media choose Hamas.

    It is the triumph of PR over substance, a smaller version of the al-Dura affair or the Jenin “Massacre”. Reality is taken to be not what happens, but what the AP wants to believe happened. In a way, I suppose, this moronitude is a mixture of Arab Fantasies and Western Relativism, a noxious blend indeed.

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