Gaza operation imminent?

This time, it’s not a badly-sourced bunch of rumors from a discredited journalist. This time, there’s a mortar attack from Hamas to respond to, and an Israeli soldier who has lost his leg due to the attack. But it’s starting to sound like Israel is getting closer to a large operation in Gaza to clear out terrorists again.

Israel is nearing a wide-scale operation in the Gaza Strip, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said Saturday, several hours after eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were injured in a mortar shell attack on the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel.

“There’s no doubt we’re getting closer to a wide-scale operation in Gaza, but it will be different from what took place in the past,” Vilnai said during an event in the southern city of Beersheba.

Of course, you have to take a look at the reasons behind the second mortar attack. It’s pretty evident:

The deputy defense minister rejected the possibility of evacuating the soldiers from the Nahal Oz base following the mortar attack, as the army did with the Zikim base last week. “We won’t vacate every place,” he said.

That’s right. Evacuate soldiers after Hamas attacks their base, and what does Hamas do? Attack more bases. It’s a pretty simple formula, one that’s been followed again and again in Israel, with the exact same result each time. You’d think they’d learn.

Some Israelis have the right idea. I like this solution a lot:

Likud Knesset members also addressed the Nahal Oz mortar attack Saturday. MK Gilad Erdan even came up with an original solution, saying the defense minister must set up a temporary detention facility in the Gaza vicinity and jail Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners there.

Erdan demanded that the new facility won’t be fortified. “It’s time for Israel to initiate creative solutions and prove to the world that it’s determined to do anything in order to stop the terror and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

Not that it will happen. But it would rid the world of terrorists, a little at time.

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5 Responses to Gaza operation imminent?

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    I will now demonstrate my almost mystical powers of prediction: if Israel does launch a major operation into the strip, the absolute best it can hope for from the msm and Western governments in lamentation that it has broken the truce and contributed to the cycle of violence.

    I also predict–you may scoff–that the UN will meet in emergency session, it will pass a resolution condemning Israel, and if that resolution mentions Palestinian prior attacks it will do so only glancingly and as part of a call for everyone to show restraint.

    Me, personally, my view changed back in 2002 after the Palestinians blew up the seder: I don’t really care what the Isrelis do anymore. Whatever they decide, I’m behind it.

    That may not be a sophisticated and nuanced view but as I get older I see less and less call to be sophisticated and nuanced about people whose main goal in life is to kill Jews.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Right on Alex.

    The Israelis should clear out the whole of Gaza of Hamas “militants”. Do not put them in a prison, since that will only lead to more terrorists kidnapping Jews (not just Israelis) and holding them hostage for the release of the Hamas scum. Shoot them.

    Turn over Gaza to the sheikhs of the Arab tribes there, as I have been suggesting. “You’re in charge. If there are any terrorist attacks from your turf we are coming and will kill you, personally. Prevent the terrorists from operating and you can do as you like. We don’t much care how you do it, just do it. Keep the peace with us and you have nothing to worry about from us. Here’s a potfull of money for you personally to help you keep focussed.” David Pryce-Jones refers to the latter as “money-favoring” and sees it as a major factor in Arab politics (see his excellent book “The Closed Circle” on Arab politics).

    It might not work, but the alternatives are to reoccupy the place, or to clear all the Arabs out of Gaza completely, things for which I doubt anyone in Israel has the guts to do, or to withdraw after a minor operation and let the situation return to what it is now. Time to try something new.

    As for the rest of the world that will scream bloody murder about Israelis defending themselves: they can suck rocks.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    “As for the rest of the world that will scream bloody murder about Israelis defending themselves: they can suck rocks.”

    I would hesitate to substitute my judgment for the Israelis’, Michael, but perhaps they will decide that the rest of the world is going to scream bloody murder anyway while, well, the Israelis are subject to bloody murder. The Israelis may as well let them scream for a reason.

    I can’t find the exact quotation, but Golda Meir once said that world seems to prefer a liberal, progressive, dead Jewish people.

    One of the most salient features of the State of Israel is this: for thousands of years Jew-killing was a risk-free sport. Now it isn’t.

  4. marek says:

    Quite some time ago I’ve given up on trying to understand the decisions made by Israeli government. So I feel like you Alex – whatever they decide is good and I don’t have to understand or like it.

    But I still don’t like the price that the Jew killers are paying for their sport.

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    I don’t like the price either, Marek, but at least for the first time in many centuries they’re paying a price. That’s new and that’s good. As to those Islamists who insist their dearest wish is to die for Allah–I hope the IDF grants them that wish.

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