Things not covered in the manual

You know what they don’t mention in the Wii instruction manual?

What to do when your cat thinks that it’s a great idea to play with your legs while you’re trying to play a game on the Wii.

Yep. Tig really loved baseball. Much more than bowling.

It’s my own fault, I suppose. When he gets all arched-back Halloween kitty, I take a couple of steps at him, and he bounces at me, and it’s become a routine of ours. He leaps at my legs and runs away. I’m sure I violated about a hundred cat-training rules in the way I’ve raised him, but hey—Gracie wouldn’t play with him while he was growing up, and he needed someone to run around with.

My silly boy. Here’s a picture of him yesterday afternoon, having discovered the joys of postponing the laundry.

Tig in the laundry room

It’s a tough life, being a cat.

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7 Responses to Things not covered in the manual

  1. John M. says:


  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Greta was my first pet–I didn’t figure out until many years later that my mother’s allergy to cats wasn’t physical–and when I got her I bought a book titled “You Can Train Your Cat.” My review was: “Maybe you can.”

  3. Well, they do say you shouldn’t allow your cat to bite you or wrestle with it in ways that it could learn that it’s okay to bite or scratch. But Tig knows “no,” “gentle,” and especially, “Ouch!” and immediately eases up when he hears any of those words.

    My biggest problem is that my mother’s visit last summer taught him to play with movement underneath the quilt. He jumps at my feet now, pretty much any time of the night if he’s feeling playful. But then again, at nine months old, this too shall pass.

    It’s a small price to pay for the hours of joy he gives me every day.

  4. annoying little twerp says:

    Our 11 m.o. silver-tipped tabby “Sheldon” is a handfull.
    Shady of blessed Memory(sobs)and Sasha were/are basically laid back lovers. Also, they were rescues. Shady had back claws, Sasha has none(I’d like to hurt the thing that did that to her.)
    Sheldy has all his very sharp little claws and has a purr-sonality best described as the Energizer Bunny on steriods. I told my husband now I remember what it’s like having a toddler.
    What an adorable, loving, little brat he is.

  5. Pamela says:

    He’s such a sleepy boy.

    I had a cat years ago named Soot who loved sleeping in the washer.

  6. Rahel says:

    Makes me wish I could sneak up on the fuzzball and give him skritches.

  7. Mog says:

    Agreed, petting too is warranted. I avoided playing with legs as the kitties had each other, four kittens lot of choices who to play with who. And the elder cats had my daughter to play with as I got them about a year apart. That left me with pet and skritch duty. And attempt to train the untrainable. They unlearn stuff too especially if they see one of them get away with stuff like when I am asleep.

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