A study in cats

First, Gracie, in her best “Worship me” pose:


Next, Tig, doing his best to pose for a portrait:


If this blog was wider, they could be bookends.

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5 Responses to A study in cats

  1. Rondi says:

    Gorgeous. I love the pink pads on their feet!

  2. Pamela says:

    Miss Gracie soaking up the sun while in contemplation and Mr. Tig looking intent. Did he pounce soon after this was taken?

  3. Rahel says:

    I welcome our new kitty overlords (well, overlord and overlady, in this case).

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Cat pictures. After this week, I needed that.

  5. Mog says:

    They are gorgeous, want to pet, irresistible.

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