Countdown to the end of Obamedia

Let’s start the official countdown, and while we’re at it, let’s start a pool on how long it takes the media to become disenchanted with Obama.

Does anyone think it will start before he takes office? My guess is they’ll wait for him to become president, then slam him as his promises don’t come to fruition by, oh, June. Wait. When are the first 100 days up? Then.

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8 Responses to Countdown to the end of Obamedia

  1. Eric J says:

    I think what will be more interesting is going to be who will become disenchanted. The media’s not all going to change at once, and I think we’ll see them turning on each other piece by piece over the next 2-3 years as fewer and fewer things can be credibly blamed on Bush.

  2. Jason says:

    I agree with Eric, that who will become disenchanted. After a couple of years, if we are in the same situation as we are now or worse, people will start to turn on him, and the dems. Kind of like 1994

  3. russ says:

    It’s going to take much longer than that. He’s the One. It will be the evil Republicans with their filibusters who are preventing the introduction of the promised Utopia.

    And look: We elected Obama, and Global Warming is already stopping! Wow, such incredible power he has.

  4. Solomon says:

    I think it’s going to take a long time if it happens at all. They have a lot invested in him.

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    Regretfully, I go with Solomon. Not only do they have a lot invested in him but anyone want to bet that any criticism of Obama will in some circles be termed racism? Given the diversity politics of most newsrooms, he’d pretty much have to drop his pants on national tv and run off to Pyongyang with Jane Fonda to get the media on his scent.

  6. Will Collier says:

    It’s not going to happen. They’re all-in for The Savior. He could drop to a 10% approval rating, lose re-election in a landslide, and three years later Chris Matthews would still be talking about how things would be so much better under The One. You’re talking about people who just don’t have any intellectual honesty left.

  7. NeilG says:

    Its very hard to know what the media will do given that at the top of much of it is billionaire publishers with heavy economic investments in certain politicians. That is something a smart blogger with the resources to do it should show through public records. In New York City the publishers of the New York Times and Daily News have very significant real estate investments. No one questions how it affects news coverage but it does. The Times is known to never indicate in a news story when a particular property is theirs or of their real estate partners in a news article about those very same properties. This is clearly a violation of journalistic ethics. How about a fairness doctrine for publishers of heavy media. Every time you write a news story with a conflict of interest your competition gets free full page ads.

  8. Corwin says:

    I think there will be a slow(first year) and then acelerating rapidly(second and further years),as a way of ‘proving’ they weren’t in the tank.And ,since it’s unlikely the world or the economy will be very kind to Pres Obama,there will likely be a lot to criticize

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