More proof that McCain can win it

Treacher was right. Via Marc Ambinder:

A New York City-based Obama home phonebanker who’s been making calls through the hub to PA and VA says he just received this e-mail:

Friends — Barack needs your help now — our data indicates that the results will be very close in many states. I can’t emphasize enough how urgent this message is. Please go to and start calling as soon as you can. We are not going to hit our goal of 500,000 calls for today by 3pm Central, unless we get at least 2,000 more people calling for the next hour. Can you call now and continue for as long as you can manage? Thank you. Judith

Obama’s worried.

McCain is hopeful.

Virginia is going to stay red. Will McCain get Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana as well?

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One Response to More proof that McCain can win it

  1. Lefty says:

    A politician considers ANY race he’s in to be “very close”. Over the weekend while phone-banking for Obama I’ve been reading a script to people in NEVADA telling that the race there is expected to be “very close”, though the last polling showed Obama up by over 6%.

    Obama will almost certainly win with well over 300 electoral votes. My own prediction is Obama 364.

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