Signs of separation

Israel will be weaning the Palestinians off the Israeli power grid.

A Jordanian official said Monday that the Palestinian Authority will join a regional power grid that so far links Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya and Turkey.

Israel is not hooked up to this grid.

Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Khaldoun Qteishat said during a meeting Monday of electricity and energy ministers in the network members that the Palestinian accession will help the territories face challenges of providing safety and security to its power supply.

What will the UN protest about when the Palestinians have all the tools of self-sufficiency, yet still wallow in the mire of despotism and poverty?

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2 Responses to Signs of separation

  1. chsw says:

    How does that power grid exist but not run through Israel? This is like having a contiguous Palestinian state as well as a contiguous Israel. Can’t be done.


  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    They will complain that Israel refuses to “contribute” to the grid. Israel will be allowed to put power into the grid, but will be forbidden to take power out of the grid.

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