U.S. Special Forces land in Syria

Take a Sunday afternoon nap, and you wake up to the news that some jihadis on the Syrian/Iraqi border have been taken out.

An official Syrian spokesman confirmed reports by the country’s state-run television and witnesses, who said that four US military helicopters attacked an area along Syria’s border with Iraq, killing eight people and wounding at least five.

SANA’s report quoted unnamed Syrian officials and said the area is near the Syrian border town of Abu Kamal. It later added that US soldiers stormed a building during the aerial raid.

Local residents told The Associated Press by telephone that two helicopters carrying US soldiers raided Hwijeh village, 17 kilometers inside Syria’s border, killing seven people and wounding five others. One of the witnesses said five of the dead were from a single family.

Ed Morrissey has more, including an email from Bill Roggio.

Countdown to the Arab press calling the deaths all civilians at three, two one….

Update: That was quick. Syrian agencies already calling them civilians. And of course the BBC quotes them.

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3 Responses to U.S. Special Forces land in Syria

  1. John F. MacMichael says:

    Well, of course, the BBC quotes them. I mean, if you cannot trust the word of a murderous dictatorship, who can you trust?

  2. David Moore says:

    I agree with Mr. MacMichael and you, Ms. Yourish – it’s funny how news agencies call upon the most radical governments in order to make a biased story :D but whatever, the American media does the same exact thing. Thanks for being some of the few people who don’t think our government roams the world, “murdering all those who oppose it.”

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    If we acted as our enemies do, that is to kill people indiscriminately in order to terrorize the others into doing what we want, the death toll among our enemies would be in the millions. We could, if we wished, outdo Al Qaeda and the other Muslim terrorists, by orders of magnitude, using our own methods (such as air power). For that reason, Muslims were incredibly stupid to advocate terrorist methods of making war. But, of course, most Muslims are unable to effectively make war any other way, assuming that terrorism can be considered effective.

    Warning to Muslims: don’t push us.

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