Call it POSHA

One of my biggest complaints about Palestinian demands for a state, is that they’ve never set up the institutions of government. Well now, in Gaza, Hamas has taken the first step. Call it P-OSHA. (h/t Daily Alert)

Gaza’s smugglers are going legit: Owners of the scores of tunnels running under the Gaza-Egypt border have registered with the Hamas authorities, pledged to pay workers’ compensation and hooked up their operations to the electricity network.

The once clandestine business has come out into the open. In one place, dozens of large tents, each marking a tunnel work site, were pitched just yards from an Egyptian watchtower beyond the border wall.

Elder of Ziyon who follows the tunnel industry actually had this story first.

Mere Rhetoric puts things a little differently from the way I did.

First of all: there are economists in Gaza, which is just how it was in Auschwitz right? More to the point: combine this with Hamas’s new online terror course and you kind of have to admit that they’ve gone from being a ragtag bunch of genocidal lunatics to being a well-organized cadre of genocidal lunatics:

I wonder if these new safety rules will apply to the north Gaza tunnels too?

Somehow, I don’t think that Hamas is building tunnels to smuggle in supplies from Israel. It sounds more like they want another few Gilad Shalits.

This news coming on the heels of Khaled Meshaal’s comment that Israel is “unreliable.” Of course, Hamas is suffering from a decline in popularity, so perhaps Hamas is demanding more for Shalit and Israel is balking, which would be motivating Hamas to up the ante.

All speculation of course. But it would seem to fit recent events.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to Call it POSHA

  1. Eric J says:

    Fans of Terry Pratchett may wish to compare this to Ankh-Morpork’s Thieves’ and Assassin’s guilds.

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