Sarah Palin in Richmond

Sarah Palin’s coming to Richmond on Monday. She’ll be in Virginia Beach earlier that day. Apparently, we Richmonders are the poor stepchildren, because McCain will be there, but not here. Bummer.

My friend Sarah and I are going to see her. We will be bringing our cameras and camcorders. Richmond has a pretty high percentage of triple-L college students, so we expect much fun to be had outside (and inside) the Arthur Ashe Center.

They want us to wear red. I was thinking of wearing red and blue just to confuse people. Maybe on of my Fourth of July shirts will do.

Any other Richmonders heading out there?

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11 Responses to Sarah Palin in Richmond

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    I think the “poor stepchildren” are the ones who get McCain instead of Palin!

  2. Jeff says:

    I’ll be really interested to here about the crowds. Are they as big and rowdy as reported? Are people as upset as they seem on TV? Or is the temperament of folks overblown by the news? Talking heads are saying the Palin and McCain rallies are getting dangerous and I hope that is hype, not reality.

  3. Jeff says:

    hear not here. I really need to proofread my comments.

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    Talking heads are saying the Palin and McCain rallies are getting dangerous

    Dangerout to whom? What they probably mean is “dangerous to the phony polls pushing Obama”. People might actually realize the hype claiming “Obama must win” is what is dangerous and turn to McCain/Palin when they actually have to vote.

    I would be interested in how many of the phony ACORN registrations will actually show up as ballots.

  5. Eric J says:

    Virginia Beach = Naval Shipyards. Probably a Military/Foreign Policy speech.

  6. Jeff says:

    I call shouts of “terrorist” in reference to Obama dangerous. I call shouts of “kill him” in reference to anyone dangerous. McCain and Palin are encouraging this, at least by saying nothing.

    By the way, which polls are phony.

    I agree ACORN is sleazy. So are the Republicans who are planning to challenge the voter registrations of people living in foreclosed homes.

  7. Jeff, you don’t spend a lot of time perusing Zombie’s site, do you? Go see how often your fringe lefties call for the death of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

    The rallies aren’t getting dangerous. The media are, as usual, exaggerating the kooks on the right and ignoring the kooks on the left.

    I’ll be bringing video evidence of the Palin rally in Richmond. And I promise to try very hard to find rightwing nutjobs screaming “terrorist” or some such word. (I’m writing this without sarcasm; I mean it.)

  8. Jeff says:

    I do not think the rallies are dangerous, I think some of the rhetoric is. I do not remember any other Presidential campaign, in recent times, using the type of rhetoric Palin uses (friend of a terrorist and not the right kind of American) as part of their campaign strategy.

    I really hope you don’t find the nutjobs. And no, I don’t waste my time with most left wing or right wing sites. I try to stay near the moderates on both sides.

  9. Kim says:

    Never before have we had a candidate so close to the White House with such a questionable past, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and the slumlord I can’t think of his name right now, these are all shady characters who should make all Americans question where this guy is coming from…………

  10. Rich Clary says:

    John McCain is a war hero who has never stopped fighting against his country’s enemies and has served in the U.S. Senate for 26 years. Sarah Palin is the most popular Governor in all of the 50 states. Obama has ‘questionable’ associations and has yet to complete his first term as Senator.

  11. 7734yeah says:

    I wish I could go – have to work. the fact is that “friends with a terrorist” is quite accurate. they have to pound home the absurdity of obama thinking this is some normal dude. I don’t know anyone who bombed the u.s. I’m sure most people haven’t been buddies with someone like that.

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