Attention, Virginia voters: Last chance to register

Monday is the last day to register to vote in Virginia. If you haven’t registered by close of business October 6th, you won’t be voting for our next president.

This public service announcement has been brought to you by:

Someone who will go ballistic if the registrar screws up my change of address the way the DMV screwed things up six years ago.

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4 Responses to Attention, Virginia voters: Last chance to register

  1. chsw says:

    Just remember, if you cannot get to the polls, ACORN will vote for you.


  2. annoying little twerp says:

    I signed up to be a GOP election judge and I have yet to hear about any training. I’ve been a judge before-just not here.
    Since “here” is the Peoples Republic of Obamagrad-er the city of Chicago I’m guessing any apps with GOP checked got “lost”.

  3. Ex-Jackass says:

    Hey! I was an election judge and a vote counter while volunteering for the Chicago/Cook County Dem Party (1976-1982). Election judge positions are too important to hand people out to honest and or independent people and too grimy to give to anyone who would create difficulties if caught.


  4. annoying little twerp says:

    I called the Chicago Board of elections today…and am delighted to hear that I’ve been appointed to be a GOP judge of elections.
    Color me surprised.

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