Warping your religion

MEMRI’s enemies keeps on accusing the organization of cherry-picking quotes, or pulling them out of context. I’d like to know what MEMRI’s enemies can possibly say to excuse this excrescence, who has managed to both steal and warp one of the best concepts of all of Judaism—which was, of course, copied by Islam. The Jewish concept is that when one takes a life, it is as if a whole world has been destroyed. Islam borrowed that concept. Radical Islam appears to have changed it for the much, much worse:

Hamas Parliament Member Fathi Hammad tells Al-Aqsa TV, the television station of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip, that Allah hates the Jews more than anyone and that the 15 million Jews in the world are worse than the 4.5 billion infidels in the world. Hammad adds that killing one Jew is like killing 30 million Jews in the eyes of Allah.

Click on the link to watch.

An exact quote: “Allah has chosen you to fight the people he hates most—the Jews.”

And displaying the murderous math of the jihadi mind, dividing the number of infidels in the world by the number of Jews—and when he says Jews, he doesn’t mean “Zionists”—gives you a jihadi sum on which to base each murder. 30 million.

Disgusting. Depraved. Despicable. These are the people that Jimmy Carter defends as the free-and-fair elected representatives of the Palestinian people, while ignoring the hatred spewed out on a daily basis.

And these are the members of the organization that the EU and the UN seem to think Israel should sit down with and negotiate. Because this is just rhetoric, right?


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5 Responses to Warping your religion

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Once again, Meryl, you show your lack of cultural understanding. What the Palestinians really mean is what they whisper softly to the western media and people like Carter. These bloodcurdling threats? These assertions that Jews–not Zionists, Jews–are the wickedest and most depraved people on Earth?

    Just colorful Arab rhetoric. Nothing to get upset about but since they do seem agitated, no doubt it would calm them down for Israel to release a few hundred more Palestinian prisoners.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Hamas Parliament Member Fathi Hammad tells Al-Aqsa TV, the television station of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip, that Allah hates the Jews more than anyone and that the 15 million Jews in the world are worse than the 4.5 billion infidels in the world. Hammad adds that killing one Jew is like killing 30 million Jews in the eyes of Allah.

    Typo here. should have been 30 billion non-Jews

    Of course since “Allah” considers this a horrible crime worthy of the worst punishment, this is actually a compliment.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    OOPs typo on my part, should have been 30 million non-Jews. In any case, the arithmetic is wrong. 4,500,000,000 divided by 15,000,000 is a ratio of 300 to 1 not 30 million.

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    I see now how this mistake occurred. In the U.S., a billion is a thousand million giving a ratio of 300 to 1. In other locations, a billion is a million million giving a ratio of 300,000 to 1.

    The math is still wrong but I see where the mistake could have occurred.

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    * Billion (word), explanation of long and short scales
    * 1,000,000,000 (number), one thousand million, 109, in the commonly used “short scale”
    * 1,000,000,000,000 (number), one million million, 1012, in the “long scale”

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    Of course, whenever I see the complaint that “the remarks were taken out of context” I always ask, “OK, then what is the context?”

    There may well be an innocent context to “Allah hates Jews and wants you to kill them,” but I can’t offhand think what it might be.

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