Caturday night is all right

It’s been busy, but I do have some cat pictures taken here in Beit Yourish.

First, a study in Tig, taken this afternoon:

Thoughtful Tig

Then we have Gracie, looking like a Kliban cat with slightly glowing eyes.

Chubby rolly Gracie

Gracie is finally starting to feel more comfortable here and is spending more time downstairs. She was sitting nearby, grooming herself, earlier tonight.

Grooming Gracie

And finally, a scene that promises to become a regular part of my day: Tig sprawling along the marble in front of the fireplace. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter—this is probably going to be his favorite spot. And he looks absolutely gorgeous on the black marble. I really love this place.

Tig in front of the fireplace

We are all very happy in our new home. Tig has developed a new, revolting habit. He’s trying to eat all the dead bugs he can find. Gracie, thankfully, hasn’t developed any new habits, except she continues to sleep under the bureau, and Tig is nearly too big to fit underneath. But she’s talking to me again. She’s been very quiet until today. It’s good to hear her mew, and better to see her down here with Tig and me.

They’re still playing Kitty Tag, and it’s still starting at the ungodly hour of six a.m. Two days ago, I woke up to hear Tig mewing at the foot of my bed, where he was lying with his head over the edge, discussing whether he was coming down or Gracie was coming up. I won the argument and threw them both out.

I have the two of them with me now. Gracie’s on the carpet in front of the ottoman, waiting for me to come to her. Tig is asleep on the back of the sofa. All’s right with their world.

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8 Responses to Caturday night is all right

  1. Old Grouch says:

    Ah yes, get the kitties settled in and you’re just about done.

  2. Rahel says:

    The picture of Tig on the marble fairly shouts, “Pet my back!” while Gracie’s Kliban picture looks like a request for a tummyrub.

    What a beautiful duo.

  3. Yes, she got her bellyrub right after the picture was taken.

    She’s also climbing onto the bathroom vanity again, waiting for me to pet her there. She’s falling back into all of her old routines.

  4. Herschel says:

    Glad to see that everyone has settled in, and are happy in their new home!

  5. Pamela says:

    Wonder if Tig likes the crunch the bugs make? Simon chases and eats the spiders he finds in the bathroom.

    Miss Gracie looks and sounds content.

    Nice being home.

  6. Unless they’re coated in pesticide, I don’t think there’s anything dangerous about eating bugs.

    But that’s not the same as wanting to watch.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    Tigger: feline gourmet.

  8. Mog says:

    More fun to chase live bugs, amuse the kitty. Tig has that “my spot not yours” look in his eyes while lounging. Love the pics especially the “rub my tummy” one.

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