Of cats and condos

What a difference a day makes.

Last night, caving:

Miss Gracie, hiding from the new
Gracie had precious few moments alone.

Tig and Gracie, hiding from the new
Tig’s butt, Gracie’s nose… not a combination I recommend.

Tig and Gracie, hiding from the new
He’s not really this mellow. He closes his eyes every time the camera flashes.

If it looks like Tig and Gracie are nearly the same size, it’s not the camera angle any longer. They are nearly the same size. He’ll be seven months old in less than two weeks.

Those were from last night. Now, today’s pictures, including one taken mere minutes ago:

I’m so over that scaredy-cat thing
Exploring the new home

I told you, I’m not scared
Exploring the new home

Pardon me, I have some important sleeping to do
Exploring the new home

That was the one taken a few minutes ago. She’s about four feet behind me. I need to set up the office, but I also need to buy a lamp for it. Plus, I think I’m going to change my style of computer use. No more kitchen-table computing. I’m going to pick up a tray and keep the laptop downstairs near my chair. My friends Kim and Bob inspired me to do that. There was one point during my trip to NJ last month when the three of us were tooling around on our respective laptops. I was blogging, Kim was surfing, and Bob was booking a vacation for their anniversary. Didn’t stop the conversation, because we are nothing if not multitaskers.

There are now about a thousand hiding places for the cats. They don’t come out when I call them if they’re frightened. I’ll have to get rid of all these boxes. I don’t like not knowing where they’re hiding.

My TV is set up perfectly in the great room, with The Chair That Swallows You Whole now perfectly positioned. And the cable guys did something to the TV that makes it look a hell of a lot better than it did in my apartment. The hi-def really comes out now. And it’s calling my name. I’ve done enough for today. Time to go relax some more.

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6 Responses to Of cats and condos

  1. Bob says:

    Your cats are just too cute. Cats are social creatures and as long as they have you and each other, they’ll soon feel right at home. In fact, my guess is “hiding” is just their exploring new spaces and claiming new turf.

  2. Rahel says:

    Mazal tov on the move, and thanks for the great kittypics!

  3. Hugh says:

    I love Tig’s huge paws and tail. He’s almost a miniature lynx.

    Mazel tov on the new condo. Do the condo rules allow you to hang things on the outside surfaces of your unit? I’m not allowed to even hang a bird feeder, nor am I allowed to screw a satellite dish to my balcony wall. That’s a pain in the tuches.

  4. Hugh, nope. But I knew that going in. I read through the Association rules before deciding to buy.

    The bad news is I live across the street from the condo association president. The good news is they need someone to do their newsletter, and I will be volunteering. I’d rather work within the system than without. I’ve, uh, grown. Yeah, that’s it.

    His fluffiness is in my lap as I type this. He’s adapting well to his new home. He and Gracie were (sigh) playing at six o’clock this morning. And waking me up.

  5. Mog says:

    Aw, the kitties are just too cute. Love the pics. Glad they are adapting well.

  6. Elisson says:

    These pics put me in a good mood for the whole day. And Mozzil Tove on the new digs!!!

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