The kitty palate cleanser

Because the previous post has the world’s ugliest man, here are some of the world’s cutest kitties:

Hey you broke it!
Tig on the laptop

Moore’s picture broke my computer. Tig doesn’t care.

My chair. I say, MY chair.
Gracie in MY chair

Gracie isn’t allowing me to sit in my chair much these days, and as she is still losing weight (she’s back to Miss Bony Butt), I am spoiling her and allowing her to sleep in the chair when I’d really rather be in it. Sometimes. She grumbles when I kick her out of it.

You can’t see me.
Tig on the papers

Mr. Tig, looking even cuture than usual, deciding that he’d go under the tissue papers instead of on them.

There. Phew. Had to get that ugly mug off my screen. Mission accomplished.

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7 Responses to The kitty palate cleanser

  1. Mog says:

    Kitty pics always welcome whether or not you post pics of that ugly mug. Sides which I was forewarned before scrolling down. Thanks. Now back to Gracie, losing weight not good, hope she is ok.

  2. No, I don’t think she is. I mean, she’s happy, and eating, and extremely content these days. She plays with Tig when she feels like it, and swats him when he annoys her. She sleeps in my chair, and looks out the window, and does all the things she usually does. But she’s losing weight, and I suspect that the vet wasn’t wrong about her having cancer. This time, though, I won’t be bringing her to the vet every few days. She’s not going back until it’s her time.

  3. Rahel says:

    It’s always good to see pictures of Gracie and young master Tig.

    Please pet them both for me. I send hugs to Gracie, too.

  4. Jacob da Jew says:

    Cute kitties and cool site.

  5. Mog says:

    Sorry to hear that. At least her quality of life hasn’t suffered so far. Wouldn’t want her to be in pain. I had a cat that did have cancer and suffered at the end. I don’t care to repeat that.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Sadly my candidate for the world’s cutest kitten was taken from us on Saturday. We returned from shul just in time to witness our son Tevildo scream and collapse. He died at the vet’s 10 minutes later. At least we were with him until the end and got to say goodbye to him, and hadn’t hung around to schmooze and return to find a body.

    Puts the debates about “who’s most right about ‘insert name of political issue’ in perspective.

  7. Oh, Doc. Sorry to hear that. My condolences.

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