A suggestion for Israel

Iran is launching a satellite, they say.

I say Israel should shoot it down.

Just a thought.

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2 Responses to A suggestion for Israel

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    Didn’t make it ten miles from the launch pad, according to the Pentagon. The fact that the “satellite” displayed in all their news broadcasts has wheels is pretty good evidence Israel has nothing to worry about… yet.

    However, it’s pretty clear by now that Iran does, in fact, have a pretty serious community of scientists, no doubt kept on a very short leash by the mullahs. They did invent the basic principles of rocketry, apparently on their own, and build a space-capable rocket using resources available only in their own country.

    The failure of the rocket would be devastating to the Iranian leadership, if their people learned about it, but to a scientist a failure is a new opportunity to learn what doesn’t work. I’m pretty sure they learned a lot from their failed launch, and the next one (there will be a next one) will work a lot better.

    Maybe even well enough to drop a payload on Tel Aviv.

  2. Gary Rosen says:

    Is this going to be the first goat in space?

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