Elie Wiesel’s attacker freed

Elie Wiesel’s attacker will be released from jail soon. I don’t have a problem with it. As I said when these facts first came to light, I really do think this is a case of a young man badly in need of chemicals to balance an unbalanced mind.

A man convicted of accosting Holocaust scholar Elie Wiesel in a San Francisco hotel will be released from jail after a judge sentenced him to two years Monday, but gave him credit for time served and good behavior.

[…] During the sentencing, Hunt stood in his orange state-issued uniform to read a letter of apology to Wiesel, who was not at the hearing. In it, Hunt asked for forgiveness from the Nobel Peace Prize winner, saying he had been “sucked into anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on the Internet” but that he does not deny the Holocaust.

“I’m tremendously sorry my mental problems infringed on your life,” Hunt read. “I hope you can live a life free of being scared of strangers.”

Those are not the words of a hard-core Jew-hater. And as I said months ago, Hunt is at the age when young men first show signs of bipolar disorder. I’m thinking the lithium is helping. I hope he can pull his life together. And I hope he stays away from the creeps who influenced him in the first place.

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One Response to Elie Wiesel’s attacker freed

  1. TMA says:

    very well said, Meryl!

    It’s particularly unfortunate that all the Jew-hatred is out there for mentally unbalanced people to fall into — but for this guy, medication and therapy are the best approach.

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