
Lots of pictures from which to choose (I am feeling very Strunk & White this morning, if not positively Funk & Wagnalls.) But I chose, and here they are:

Urban Sprawl
Tig in delicious repose

It’s a common sight, and one that never ceases to amuse me.

Going green
Tig asleep on bag

The Tigster is urging us all to go green. Well, actually, he’s sleeping on his chair at the table, which happens to have a bag of stuff on it. Gracie long ago staked ownership to the one right next to me.

Two levels of sleepiness
Tig and Gracie asleep on the sofa

They’re getting along much better, but Tig isn’t sharing Gracie’s bathrobe. (Which is actually my robe, but when I put it on the sofa, it kept her from sleeping on my chair. Easier than picking her up and moving her every time I want to sit down.)

Miss Gracie has nearly fully accepted Mister Tig. They were playing last night, after he mrowed and mrowed and mrowed her to play with him. At one point, they ran upstairs to play and I heard the thumpity-thump of little kitty feet (there is no pitter-patter, even when it’s just Tig, who is nearing the seven-pound mark). It makes me smile. A lot. I am still fairly stunned that Gracie changed from a nasty, hissing old witch to a cute, kitten-like playful cat. Tig’s one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever known, and apparently, he’s sweet enough to win over even Gracie. Although when I think about it, Tig 2 didn’t so much as play with Gracie as bully her. Now she has a playmate who doesn’t try to beat her up all the time, and she’s discovering it’s rather fun to chase each other around the place. When Tig and I have our regular bedtime play session, Gracie pops in to have her turn as well. At the age of eleven, she’s rediscovering her youth.

This is not to say that she doesn’t smack him down occasionally when he gets too annoying. But that’s good, too. I took him away from his mother, and he needs an adult cat to set boundaries. I’m really hoping the dynamic doesn’t change as he gets older and bigger. We shall see. In the meantime, we shall document the stages of Tig’s growth, and his changing relationship with Princess Gracie. And of course, I’ll share with you.

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2 Responses to Caturday

  1. Rahel says:

    Meryl, you’ve got it all right there — bright, beautiful and fluffy!

  2. John M. says:

    Aww, they’re so kyoot. I think I’ll go cuddle my own long-haired handsome boy.

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