The word of scum

Last week Elder of Ziyon noted a report by David Bedein, that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev had been captured alive by Hezbollah, and concluded that, therefore, Hezbollah must have murdered the two.

After some commenters (myself included) noted that the IDF now believes that the two were killed or critically wounded in the initial attack, Elder of Ziyon asked:

As my commenters have noted, Israeli sources are now saying that Regev and Goldwasser were killed during the initial attack.

So, were Jesse Jackson and the others lying?

LGF believes that was the case.

Looking at the contemporaneous account that LGF cites, Jackson did not actually meet with the captives. He simply was taking the word of terrorists with an agenda. Maybe he didn’t lie, but he was taking the word of untrustworthy scum.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to The word of scum

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    “Jackson did not actually meet with the captives. He simply was taking the word of terrorists with an agenda.”

    I agree with this. Hezbollah knew what kind of self-aggrandizing fool they were dealing with, and how to use him.

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