Low and lower

The recent do on the border with Lebanon couldn’t have passed without the inimitable Fisk checking in with a totally idiotic opus in the captive Indy. Since fisking Fisk is too nineties (simply put – you do not fisk anyone senile to that degree), I shall leave it to you, dear reader. It is quite a sample of gutter-low journalism.

But then there is low and there is low. And no one gets lower than some “assaJew” anti-Zionists. In this case it is the notorious, although much less notorious as he would like to be, Mark Elf. In his latest opus (search for yourself for Jews Sans Frontiers, we here don’t link to such dreck) he is advocating for Kuntar:

Now, if Quntar did what he was accused of, then he is no doubt a monster. But did he? The facts leave ample room for doubts. Quntar maintains he did not kill either of his two alleged victims.

Should I comment? Nah…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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3 Responses to Low and lower

  1. ann says:

    There is no limit to the depths some of these antiIsrael people will sink to further their hate and propaganda war against Israelis. Some of the comments not only on the internet, but even on Israeli websites yesterday and today have literally sickened me. I am upset enough about the baby murderer going free and be welcomed as a hero in his hometown,but then to read some of the comments on some of these websites have infuriated me beyond words and what is almost as bad was when I responded to these filthy Jewhaters my message never got posted! It’s the craziest thing I have ever seen, it’s almost like the folks who run some of these Israeli websites don’t even like the people who really care about them and want the best for them and their families, and like the people who hate them and want to destroy them.

  2. I’ll comment. Bite me, Fisk.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Why of course there’s legitimate doubt. No eyewitnesses, after all. All we can say is that when Kuntar entered there were four people alive…no one else entered…when he left there was one person left and the dead little girl had her skull beaten in by a rifle but whose imprint fit exactly Kuntar’s rifle.

    The toddler could have tripped and run into the rifle butt. Haran could have shot himself several times. Gremlins might have sneaked in while Mrs. Haran, desperately trying not to be noticed under the bed, inadvertently suffocated her own baby lest Kuntar kill her, too.

    Seems to me that’s ample room for doubt. Or at least, it is for Mark Elf.

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