Politically aware

I’ll be damned. I’m on that political map that’s sweeping the blogosphere. Of course, they’ve got me wrong. I’m not conservative, I’m independent. But I think I won’t complain. I’m rather happy to be on the map.

I guess this means I’ll have to post about politics more.

Right now, I’m rather terrified that Obama is going to win in November. I have to keep telling myself it’s only June.

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4 Responses to Politically aware

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    What is an “infopit”.

  2. Jeff says:

    Terrified is a strong word. May I ask why?

  3. Because I think he’s going to be the worst president since Jimmy Carter. I think he will appease our enemies, pull our troops out of Iraq and allow the terrorists or Iran to gain a foothold there. I think Iran will go nuclear under Obama’s watch. I think his economic plans will create high inflation and lose us jobs.

    I don’t think he has a commitment to anything. He has flip-flopped on major issues like NAFTA. He spent twenty years in a church filled with anti-American and anti-Israel sermons, and only dumped his preacher when he insulted Obama. He has surrounded himself with Jimmy Carter’s Arabist crowd to advise him on the Middle East. He’s a pal of Farrakhan and a former Weather Underground terrorist.

    To top it off, the man has little experience, and voted “present” on how many important issues?

    He’s hollow. And he’s dangerous. He wants to disarm us. He wants to stop research on new weapons systems. He wants to reduce our nuclear weapons unilaterally. Unilateral disarmament is seen by the enemy as weakness.

    In short, I’m afraid that if Obama is elected, sometime in the next few years, we’re going to see a radioactive smoking hole where an American city used to be.

    Or where Israel used to be.

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