Hezbollah in the west

Nice to see that even after prodding Israel to accept Hezbollah’s claim that Shebaa Farms is part of Lebanon, Sec. Rice acknowledges the nature of Hezbollah.

Rice said also during the lightning visit that Washington still considers Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, despite the group taking part in Lebanon’s new government of national unity.

It’s nice for her to acknowledge that, because there are fears that Hezbollah is looking for targets in the Western Hemisphere (via memeorandum).

Intelligence agencies in the United States and Canada are warning of mounting signs that Hezbollah, backed by Iran, is poised to mount a terror attack against “Jewish targets” somewhere outside the Middle East.

Intelligence officials tell ABC News the group has activated suspected “sleeper cells” in Canada and key operatives have been tracked moving outside the group’s Lebanon base to Canada, Europe and Africa.

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There is no credible information on a specific target, according to the officials.

Suspected Hezbollah operatives have conducted recent surveillance on the Israeli embassy in Ottawa, Canada and on several synagogues in Toronto, according to the officials.

Latin American is also considered a possible target by officials following Hezbollah’s planning.

After noting that Hezbollah struck in Argentina in 1994 and that apparently Hezbollah’s scared to strike at America lest it earn a retaliation from President Bush, Allahpundit asks:

Why leak this? According to ABC, there’s evidence of four cells — one is even named — backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, supposedly corroborated by the CIA, NSA, and British and Canadian intel. A Hezbo weapons expert has, allegedly, even been tracked from Lebanon to Toronto. With the publication of this article the jig is up, but it doesn’t sound like a surreptitious leak: ABC cites a “senior counterterrorism official” as a source and three U.S. law enforcement agencies confirm that they’d been briefed on some of the details. Maybe they’re worried that they’ve lost track of the plotters and are putting this out in desperation, to try to spook them into aborting an attack?

Dust my Broom has more on the history of Hezbollah’s activities in Canada.(h/t the Jawa Report)

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

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I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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