Cuteness overload

Your break from the news of the day: So cute he’s going to give you diabetes from the sugar overload.

Tig on the kitty condo

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3 Responses to Cuteness overload

  1. John M says:

    Awwwwwww…. his fur looks sooo soft.

  2. Rahel says:

    Tig sure does blend in nicely with his surroundings. Is he learning the art of camouflage?

    Love those paws and whiskers and golden stripes! He looks so pettable.

  3. Well, orange cats match wood floors. And beige kitty condos. They didn’t match my old apartment’s green carpet, but as that carpet was giving Gracie asthma, we don’t mind that we left it behind.

    Tig is eminently pettable if he’s not in a playful mood. So for a few hours a day, if you catch him sleeping, you can pet him.

    When he’s in the mood he’s in in the above picture, if you try to pet him, he will take it as playing and bite you. If he’s in Wild Thing mode, and you try to pick him up, he wriggles and screams and has a grand old time, while giving you heart failure because his screams of joy sound like he’s being murdered. This one has a LOT of different calls. Tig the Second only had a few.

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