Derfner digs deep

My contempt for Larry Derfner goes back a ways. In the 90’s he was one of the Israel correspondents for every Jewish American weekly. As an extreme leftist, he used that platform to present Israel in the worst possible light.

But with is critique of the al-Dura case he’s hit a new low (h/t LGF linkviewer).

Yet while it’s pure Jewish paranoia to claim that Enderlin and his co-conspirators knew all along that the Palestinians killed al-Dura, and it’s way beyond paranoia to think the Palestinians killed the boy deliberately or that he never died at all, there is an apparent element of truth in the outcry. Aside from the paranoids and the politically self-interested, there are credible, impartial investigators who have also concluded that the IDF did not kill that poor, terrified boy.THE MOST authoritative is James Fallows, one of America’s most prominent journalists. After coming here and talking to a lot of Israelis and Palestinians and seeing a lot of evidence, he wrote in the June 2003 Atlantic Monthly that Mohammed al-Dura and his father, Jamal, could not have been shot by IDF soldiers at Netzarim junction – as Enderlin and many others reported – because they were completely shielded from IDF fire by a big, impenetrable concrete block. The al-Duras had to have been shot from another direction, or directions, Fallows writes, and while he doesn’t suggest who did shoot them, the people doing the shooting from those other directions were Palestinians.

But as for the conspiracy theories, he [Fallows] writes: “The reasons to doubt that the al-Duras, the cameramen, and hundreds of onlookers were part of a coordinated fraud are obvious.” Referring to Nahum Shahaf, one of Yom Tov Samia’s investigators and the fountainhead of al-Dura conspiracy mania, Fallows continues: “Shahaf’s evidence for this conclusion, based on his videos, is essentially an accumulation of oddities and unanswered questions about the chaotic events of the day.”

As I’ve pointed out before, shortly after the supposed killing of Mohammed al-Dura, Israel’s Foreign Ministry put out an annotated view of the scene. Not a single news organization looked at that picture and concluded that the IDF could not have seen the al-Duras and could not have hit them. They took France 2’s report at face value. (The Guardian published a diagram of the intersection too, but it is so out of proportion that it looks like that al-Duras were only a few feet from the IDF.)

There was a conspiracy and it was one of silence. It goes to the use of stringers by every single news organization. The stringers are inherently unreliable. Any news organization that would question its own reporting of the al-Dura case would have to review its news gathering procedures. None has an interest in seeking or publicizing the truth because it would open up its credibility to too many questions.

In a subsequent blog post, Fallows wrote:

My general experience in life makes me skeptical that large-scale conspiracies can be pulled off — and kept secret for seven years, which is how long it has been since the original event. So based on what I have personally seen (not having devoted myself to the story for the last few years), I am not ready to say: Yes, for sure, this was a huge, big-lie, blood-libel, conspiratorial hoax. But Landes et al seem more fervent about turning up all available evidence and getting to the bottom of things than their antagonists do, which tells me something.

Yes, he does express skepticism of the conspiracy, but he also notes that France 2 and its allies were very keen on keeping all the information from getting out. From a commenter at the Augean Stables, (h/t In Context) the translation of the verdict is a lot more damning than Derfner claimed. (I also expressed some doubts initially based on less than comprehensive summaries of the verdict.)

So while Derfner may mock, there is no news organization in the world that wants any level of scrutiny into the way they gather and present news in Israel. Their credibility would be shot. So instead of looking to apportion the blame appropriately, Derfner chose to shoot the messengers (metaphorically). He is incapable of escaping his leftist cage.

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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