They hate me! They really hate me!

The Jew-hating bastards on yet another Holocaust denial site (based in the U.K., there’s a surprise) have linked to one of my old teaching posts (and not in a good way). And they don’t like my No Israel-Bashing Zone policy, either. Aww. My heart bleeds. Jew-haters are unhappy because I won’t let them pour out their filth on my blog.

The Purim mentality is not confined to Zionist opinion formers, but would seem to be shared (and passed on) by many ordinary Jews such as teacher and blogger Meryl Yourish, who under the heading Teaching Little Jews to be Big Jews, tells us:

I’m a Jew-hater’s worst nightmare: I teach little Jews to be big Jews. I may not have children of my own, but I’m doing my part to propagate the Jewish nation. That knowledge gives me great satisfaction.
…I pass it on to my students. I’ve taught them that one way to piss off a Jew-hater is to chant “Am Yisrael Chai” (“The people of Israel live”). I’ve noticed that if you start that chant at an anti-Israel protest, it really torks off the anti-Israel protesters. This always leads my students into chanting the phrase for a minute or two in class, which they love. They also like it when I say things like “Purim is the holiday where the Jews kicked the crap out of the Persians.”

Don’t even think about debating with the like of Ms Yourish, since she tells us that her website is a No-Israel Bashing Zone.

I’ve no doubt that she and her students will be cheering on the bombs and missiles, if and when they start falling on Tehran.

So, should I consider it an honor that I’m on the front page of a Holocaust-denying, Jew-hating site? Or should I just laugh at them and continue to do what I’m doing, as it’s obviously working.

I think I’ll just laugh. Poor, pitiful people. Their feelings of inadequacy are so large, they have to blame someone for their failures. And hey, why not blame the people who have the largest per capita representation in Nobel prizes, in the arts, literature, and science in the world? Why not blame the people who have invented the cure for polio, instant messaging, drip-irrigation technology, and a thousand other things that helps humanity thrive? Why not blame the people who have defied the odds to remain not just in existence, but thriving in every nation they comprise a significant population?

Clearly, the Jew-haters have issues. Psychiatry might help. But their hatred is so deep, I suspect it’s incurable.

Like I teach my children: They tried to kill us. They failed. Let’s eat.

Am Yisrael chai.

Or, to put a more modern turn on it: In your face, assholes.

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6 Responses to They hate me! They really hate me!

  1. Rahel says:

    I consider the hatred of people of this sort a compliment. If they liked me, I’d be worried.

  2. John M. says:

    Keep givin’ it to ’em in the chops, Meryl.

  3. Long_Rifle says:

    First off, could you post the phonetic spelling of “Am Yisrael chai” please. It may sound just like it is spelled, but for something like this I want to be SURE.

    As a non-Jew that supports Israel, I would love to say that at meetings to show my support.

    And please, IS there Hebrew for “in your face assholes”? I think I’d have to make, “Am Yisrael chai, in your face assholes. (in Hebrew)” my new forum Siggy.

    Now onto business. Ahem: “I’ve no doubt that she and her students will be cheering on the bombs and missiles, if and when they start falling on Tehran.”

    I can say that while I’m NOT one of her students, I WILL be cheering when the UN finally goes in and stops Tehran from getting nukes.

    And why not? Iranian psychotics have repeatedly stated they wish to “wipe Israel” off the map. I’m going to assume that since nukes would give them the ability to DO so, they would try it.

    There’s no reason NOT to go in there and “Fix” that problem BEFORE it goes nuclear.

  4. Long_Rifle says:

    Oh, and I’d like to say a big “HELLO!” to the Jew haters reading this site and SEETHING that they can’t post rebuttals, please be assured we don’t miss you.

  5. Long_Rifle, “am” is pronounced like the a in “aaaah.” Yis-rah-el is the correct pronunciation of Israel in Hebrew. And “chai” is the hard “ch” sound like in the Scots “Och!” (which was the only Scottishism that my grandfather kept when he moved to America from Glasgow in 1914). The “ai” is a long I sound.

    As for swears in Hebrew, you’ll have to ask someone else. I can read it, and I can write it, and I can sing or chant it, but I’m not conversational in Hebrew.

  6. Gary Rosen says:

    Antisemitism is not about Jews, it is about antisemites. They are nitwits, misf*cks and born losers who don’t have the honesty or gumption to own up to their own shortcomings and failures, so they blame everything on the Jooos. Case in point: Jimmy Carter.

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