Caturday night

It’s Caturday night.

Tig discovered the bathroom wastebasketbucket.

Tig in a bucket

Tig and his little bunny friend. Six-year-old Rebecca donated him. And no, she won’t be the least bit unhappy that Tig is beating up her bunny. I told her what I wanted it for.

Tig and his bunny

An action shot: Tig in mid-leap. Look ma, no strings!

Tig in mid-leap

And last (for now), Tig3 on his scratching post, playing his “Tig Kong” game. He’s up there a lot.

Tig on his scratching post

I’ll have more pictures for you later, after I get some with his new toys (thanks again, Herschel!).

There. That ought to satisfy even Rahel for the moment.

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15 Responses to Caturday night

  1. Rahel says:

    In my opinion, the evidence is more than sufficient to convict the feline defendant of Kittenly Mischief. Nevertheless, since we must be sure that he remains on the straight and narrow from now on, a continuous photographic record of the fluffy culprit’s progress will be necessary.

    Or, as the illustrious Tom Lehrer once said: “More! More! I’m still not satisfied!”

    Seriously, Meryl, the pictures are fantastic. Thank you for posting them. Please skritch both kitties for me.

  2. Herschel says:

    Meryl, you are very welcome, glad to have a small role in his play things!

    He certainly is a beautiful katzala!

    His front paw on the scratching post looks huge, he is going to grow up to be one champion size Maine Coon!

    Keep the pics coming, its a welcome relief from all of the anti-Israel media propaganda you help expose on a daily basis.

  3. John M. says:

    The third one is so cute. Makes you wanna just get’im and snuggle’im.

    We spent Saturday night seeing “Prince Caspian”. Fantastic! Harry Potter, eat your heart out.

  4. Elisson says:

    These pictures made my day. There’s nothing like a playful kitten to make you feel young!

    Give the little guy a skritch or two from me and SWMBO, willya?

  5. Dirk R. says:

    Oooooh! The indignity of having your little kitty behind immortalized in an LOL Cat. Tig gonna get you for this! ;-)


  6. Oh, it’s not a lolcat. Yet.

  7. John, he’s a very snuggly kitten. First thing he does when I come upstairs after an absence is snuggle into my neck and inject me with more allergens via his little kitty kisses.

    Elisson, will do. But it’s not like he’s not getting plenty of skritches. He lives in my office for now. I think he’s got a few more days in the office before I give him run of the house. Gracie is still mightily displeased, but for the past few days, he’s been getting down the stairs, and I’ve been picking him up and holding him in one hand while petting Gracie in the other. She no longer hisses immediately. But she does hiss eventually.

    I think they’ll be fine.

  8. Sunlight says:

    Meryl- What camera are you using? and what do you use to record for SNN podcast? Are you doing video?

  9. annoying little twerp says:

    Ooooo Meryl, I needed some Tig3 pix this week.
    On Thursday we had to put our 11 y. o. sort of russian blue-Shady- to sleep.
    He looked okay one week and less than 3 weeks later he was gone. He had lymphoma.
    Though I have teenager, an 8 y.o. dilute tortie, and 2 nephew cats-my husband and I live in our friends’ basement-I feel like my heart has been ripped out.
    Thursday I did the most difficult thing I’ve ever done and I feel guilty as h***.
    I love Sasha, but Shady was very special.
    Everyone loved him.
    How do you get through something like this?
    How long is it appropriate to mourn?

    Sorry for getting grim on a Tig3 post-he’s a doll!
    It’s just this is a road I’ve never been down.

  10. I’m still not really over losing Tig 2. The mourning lasts until you’re done mourning. There’s no deadline. There’s no “average.” There’s only your broken heart.

    It gets easier. Having Tig3 has helped immensely, but I still get sad thinking about my Big Pig Tig (one of my names for him). I wish he was still out sleeping on the patio, “pinging” me from time to time with his mrowr. Or asking me to pick him up for a snug. Or purring himself to sleep on the pillow next to me.

    So I guess my answer is: Don’t feel guilty for putting your cat out of his pain. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Think about how much better a life Shady had with you than he would have had as a feral cat. Or even with a lousy owner.

    That’s what I think when I start getting too down about Tig. And then I go find my new boy and he makes me laugh.

  11. Michael Lonie says:

    So the rabbit is intended to replace your foot as the target of Tig’s play predation?

  12. Nah. Nothing replaces my foot. Worse still, if I’m barefoot, he keeps licking my feet.

    Here’s hoping he outgrows it.

  13. Sunlight, it’s a Sony DSC T100.

    I use a Samson CO1U USB microphone. And no, no video. I’m not that much of a narcissist that I want to be on camera. I like the radio thing. It makes me much more anonymous.

  14. Mog says:

    He’s so adorable, love the pics. Keep them coming. :)

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