Never Again, defined by the Mossad

Uzi Arad, a former director of intelligence for the Mossad, has an op-ed in Ynet today that states exactly what I’ve been saying for decades: When Jews say “Never again,” we don’t mean that never again will the world commit genocide, or that we won’t let it happen. That’s a given. We have no control over the world, nor over mankind’s basest instincts (which is why there is Darfur and was Cambodia and will be somewhere else in another few years). But we do have control over what happens to Jews.

“Never again” means never again will we go down without a fight. “Never again” means never again will the world be able to nearly exterminate the Jewish population of nation after nation, indiscriminately, without any real punishment. “Never again” means never again will Jews rely on the kindness of others to save us from the genocidal maniacs that roam the earth.

It is clear that the threats hurled at us frequently by Iran’s leaders and their emissaries (Hamas, Hizbullah, etc.) are no less than a call – or pledge – for genocide. Some of them deny the Holocaust, yet at the same time justify their war against us by claiming that Israel was forced upon the region by those who perpetrated the Holocaust – and this entire twisted argument is meant to pave the way for the holocaust that would befall Israel.

The world hears the voices and sees the deeds, yet aside from a few (but important) friends it watches idly and adopts a complacent attitude. In fact, predictions regarding Israel’s possible demise are becoming increasingly fashionable among some elements worldwide: Within governments, at university campuses, and in intellectual magazines. Apocalyptic terms have gained a foothold even in Israel.

[…] However, on Holocaust Memorial Day, we are permitted to – and in fact, obligated to – make it clear to others that there will be no situation whereby the State of Israel will be harmed without those who perpetrate this, including their collaborators, paying the full price for it. The decree “Never Again” does not only mean that no longer will we be defenseless, but also that those who harm us will not be spared.

Peres and Ben-Eliezer made it clear – and they were telling the truth. Recognizing this would ensure the realization of the “Never Again” decree’s original meaning – there will no longer be anyone who will dare rise against us.

Shimon Peres is not known as a hawk, and yet, he told the world that attempts to destroy Israel are a two-way street that would result in the destruction of the aggressor. God forbid that it should be so, because I don’t want to see a nuclear device go off in Israel. But seventy years after the onset of the Holocaust, it’s only right that Israel should be pointing out that Jews today are a lot better armed than we were in 1938. Harm us at your peril, this time.

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4 Responses to Never Again, defined by the Mossad

  1. long_rifle says:


    Good to see in print what I’ve thought for so long. The enemy MAY hit Israel with nukes, but Israel will use their own nukes to completely annihilate the aggressor, and I hope they hit their allies as well.

    While I doubt the insane people running Iran really care if all their citizens are destroyed, I hope those very citizens realize what nuclear war with Israel will mean.

    The USA is still Israels ally, any body know if we still operate under the agreement that we will attack the aggressors with nukes as well?

    If so I hope America makes that widely known. Maybe that would temper Iran’s actions.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Or more succinctly: Never again. But if again, not just us.

  3. Tatterdemalian says:

    “The USA is still Israels ally, any body know if we still operate under the agreement that we will attack the aggressors with nukes as well?”

    long_rifle, that actually depends on whether we have a member of Ronald Reagan’s political party in the White House, or a member of Jimmy Carter’s party.

    Both Israel and the US have way too many enemies within. There are even Israelis who think the Holocaust was instigated by the Holocaust survivors, based on the “Loose Change” principle: “Those who gained the most were the ones behind it.” The Holocaust survivors gained their freedom, their dignity, and their right to not be slaughtered like animals, so naturally they were behind it all.

    We’re in an information age war, and industrial age armies cannot fight it.

  4. Long_Rifle says:

    “There are even Israelis who think the Holocaust was instigated by the Holocaust survivors, based on the “Loose Change” principle: “Those who gained the most were the ones behind it.” The Holocaust survivors gained their freedom, their dignity, and their right to not be slaughtered like animals, so naturally they were behind it all.”

    I had to reread that about 4 times. My brain couldn’t comprehend that much stupidity coming at me at once…

    If I was at a debate that would be the question I’d ask for EACH one to address: A country attacks Israel with nuclear weapons. As Israel’s ally do we respond in kind, yes or no please?

    I bet I only get ONE person to even answer it. And I already know WHOM that person would be.

    I guess the old saying is true:

    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.”

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