Never say never

Since the government has seen fit to give me back $600 of my own money, the topic came up in conversation yesterday. I was wondering what I was going to spend it on. A gift, I decided. Something that was completely impractical. I told Sarah I’d probably buy that iPod I’ve been talking about buying for months. Good idea, she concurred.

But then I got another thought. Maybe I should use the refund to buy an orange Maine Coon kitten. It’s not so easy finding another Tig at the various shelters. But if I order one from the factory, as it were, it’s a lot easier.

Which just goes to show you. I swore for years that I would never, ever pay $500 for a kitten. Too much. Maine Coons can’t be that special.

Wrong on all counts. (They’re way more than $500 now, anyway.)

I do believe that I may just buy myself a new Tig. And this one will come with a pedigree. A big, dumb goofball with papers. How cool is that?

Anyway, I sent out a few emails. We shall see what we shall see. Turns out there are a few catteries right here in the Richmond area, or within an hour’s drive.

I’m also open to suggestions from readers. But the cat must be male, and he must be orange, and he must be at least a Maine Coon mix. I’ve been checking Petfinder. Maine Coon Rescue up in MD doesn’t want to adopt out to me because they insist on checking out the home first, and it’s a two-hour drive. So even though I’m up in NorVA all the time, that won’t help. I should probably ask Ellen for assistance.

But I want my new Tig. It’s too quiet in this apartment. I’m willing to buy a purebred if that’s what it takes.

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2 Responses to Never say never

  1. Harrison says:

    Hmmmmm. “A big, dumb goofball with papers.” That sounds like most show dogs I know–‘cept, of course, for my pack.

    Good luck with the search. That’s gonna’ be one lucky big dumb goofball with papers.

  2. chairwoman says:

    Couldn’t you suggest to the Maryland people that they ask a reputable cat rescue centre in your area to do the home check for them?

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