Any Battlestar Galactica fans out there?

I probably won’t be home in time to watch it live, or even almost-live via my new DVR and Comcast (it’s craptastic!), as I will be visiting Sarah and the G family’s synagogue tomorrow night for a service and a neat party. But I will be watching it when I get home.

And I have a new theory on who is the twelfth Cylon. I’m still holding out for Baltar, but there are two others.

My theory below the more prompt, and by the way, I’m always wrong about stuff like this, so take that into account. I’m superb at guessing real-life puzzles, and totally suck at games and TV shows. I get the ends of some books and movies, though. I never figured out anything about Babylon 5. Straczynski had me guessing until the very end.

My newest guess, after watching season one again, is Ellen Tigh. Baltar was very coy about whether or not she was really human at the end of the episode where she first showed up.

I also suspect Tom Zarek. Come to think of it, I’ll bet Ron Moore would just love it if the original Apollo turns out to be a Cylon on the new BSG. So would Richard Hatch. (I was so in love with him during the first series and beyond. And I still wouldn’t kick him out of my bed for dropping cracker crumbs, either.)

By the way, I fixed the picture. I found an article online that listed a techie’s settings for the TV that I bought. It looks much nicer now.

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4 Responses to Any Battlestar Galactica fans out there?

  1. Maquis says:

    Well, we still have to figure out what the frak is going on with Starbuck don’t we? Lots of explaining to do there, and being cylon makes surviving a viper explosion deep into a gas-giant atmosphere somewhat easier to understand. And where did she get a replacement viper? Tres interessant!

  2. Yeah, but there’s the old “Someone grabbed Starbuck from her ship the second before it exploded” routine.

    Also, you know that picture of the BSG cast in The Last Supper knockoff? Ron Moore said that no one in that picture is one of the Final Five the twelfth Cylon. Which knocks out Starbuck and Baltar. Which is too bad, because I’ve become convinced that Baltar is “god” and cloned himself into a Cylon, which explains Gaius’ projections. But Moore has also said that Baltar suffered a mental break after learning he’s responsible for the death of billions.

    So confusing. But when it’s all over, I’ll be nodding my head and going, “Ohhhhh….”

    Well, unless I get annoyed with the resolution.

    I really didn’t like Apollo getting fat in the opener of S3. Not in his character, IMHO.

  3. CodeGator says:

    I don’t know who the twelfth Cylon is either. I personally can’t wait to see how the writers explain away the Starbuck incident – that should be good for a laugh or two. I agree about Apollo getting fat. They are in the military after all. I’m sure there are rules about that sort of thing… Anyway, I’m just glad the wait is over and the new season is set to start. :o) Hmm, I wonder what will happen when they finally locate Earth? Will Al Gore show up to demand that they purchase massive carbon offsets to counter the exhaust from their raptors? LOL!

  4. Maquis says:

    “All will be revealed,” but not before we pull our hair out guessing!

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