Oh, never mind

Sorry. I’m in the middle of my Battlestar Galactica marathon.

Talk among yourselves.

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2 Responses to Oh, never mind

  1. chsw says:

    One reason I read Meryl’s blog is that she doesn’t often post about the Presidential race. That being said, I’m going to post on it:

    Some pundits have written that senior Democrats think neither Obama nor Clinton can win in November. Instead, they want Al Gore to be a compromise candidate to be chosen at the Democratic convention. However, the probable compromise candidate will not be Al Gore. Gore has significant problems. First, there is increasing scientific evidence against Gorebal Warming. Second, Gore has some fundraising scandals of his own during the Clinton years (e.g., fundraisers from Buddhist nuns. Then there is the problem of Gore bashing the USA in paid speeches abroad, e.g., in Saudi Arabia. Lastly, selecting Gore does not resolve the identity politics problem of female vs. black. So the probable compromise candidate is not Gore.

    That being said, we can build a profile of a likely compromise candidate. First, the candidate would have to subscribe to the economic and foreign policy pronouncements of both of the present candidates. That is easily done, as many Congressional Democrats share the same worldview. The compromise candidate will also have to stanch the bleeding caused by the identity politics practiced by both Obama and Clinton camps. This would have to be done in two stages. First, to counteract the black vs. female battle, the compromise candidate would probably be a black woman. Secondly, the compromise candidate must have a record of backing the Clintons while they were in office but must also be able to reach out to the far left wing of the party. She must be “authentically” black to get support from the Sharpton-Wright subset of the black wing of the party. She must also be a proven fund-raiser from both domestic and foreign sources (just as the Clintons are master fund-raisers from foreign sources). The candidate I have in mind has no problem asking Saudi princes for money. This all points to one woman, and one woman only. The perfect compromise candidate for the Democratic Party would be…….Cynthia McKinney!

    chsw (just kidding, a little)

  2. Bob says:

    Boy, Meryl — are you ever gonna feel guilty if Obama wins the election and then as his first act as President signs the formal surrender to al Qaeda in Iraq. All because you weren’t here to stop him. I hope you’re satisfied!!!

    (P.S. — Ain’t it great in HD?)

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