More real ethnic cleansing

Boker Tov Boulder describes the moderate doctor of Holocaust denial, Mahmoud Abbas as Old Terrorist, New Suit, Big Mouth. Abbas claims that Israel is guilty of “ethnic cleansing” in Jerusalem. As Meryl points out, there’s been plenty of ethnic cleansing in the Middle East, and it’s the Jews, not the Arabs who have been the victims. (Check out the tables and read the whole post.)But it’s not just the Jews. The Christians under PA rule have been decreasing in number. It’s especially noticeable in Bethlehem which is no longer a Christian majority city. In fact, all over the Middle East, Christians have been leaving in large numbers. In fact in the Middle East only in Israel is the Christian population increasing.

It’s a shame that media outlets simply repeat statements by Abbas as if they have any credibility. Why don’t they make an effort to do basic research and challenge his lies instead of allowing them to stand?

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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One Response to More real ethnic cleansing

  1. Cynic says:

    People seem to forget the ethnic cleansing of Christians in Lebanon by the PLO during the 70s.
    And far worse was the gun running clerics like Hilarion Capucci who used his official Mercedes to transport the arms.
    Just like the Anglican and Greek Church clerics are doing to their flock in their rush to do the bidding of the PA.
    Sabbagh, Riad, Desmond Tutu ……

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