Hamas’ non-truce truce

Is it truce yet?

Palestinians fired a mortar shell at Israel on Wednesday, hitting an open area near the security barrier on the border with the Gaza Strip.

Nobody was wounded in the attack, and no damage was reported.

Remember, firing mortars and rockets are not actions that break the truce. Israel arresting wanted terrorists, or returning fire when trying to arrest one that shoots at them, is breaking the truce.

It’s a good thing that Hamas can’t hold up its end of the truce, because Olmert is ready to sell Israel down the river.

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3 Responses to Hamas’ non-truce truce

  1. Eric J says:

    Well, if firing mortars and rockets don’t break the truce…

    Oh, wait. Israeli double standard time. I forgot for a minute.

  2. Long_Rifle says:

    Well, that’s proof that Israel has really given hamas the whammy. Time to call for a re-arming.. . Er, A cease fire.

    Give them a few more months to get more fighters/explosives and it will be “on” again.

    Though the longer this gets drawn out, the higher the chances of a “dirty bomb” getting used, since Iran is already cooked up the ingredients for one, or several.

    Remember folks, the koran states it’s fine to offer a ceasefire and violate it if it’s used to regroup and make yourself stronger, and only if it’s with infidels.

    You GOTTA love the “religion of peace”.

    They already have all their bases covered….

  3. E.D.Kain says:

    When will we learn that the only way to deal with the terrorists and Hamas is by presenting them with overwhelming force, unsurmountable opposition, and the total crippling of their capability to strike at Israel. Letting them hole up in Gaza is a crime against the Israeli people and an insult to freedom the world over. Giving away Gaza was a terrible mistake in the first place, and should be reversed.

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